Venezuela Calls For Mandatory Labor In Farm Sector

ive worked and live don a farm before, in a religious community anyway..

few jobs are as fulfilling and are as gruelling. then farming. wallmart is just burning your heartbeats for the rat race.
at elast on a fam r something is gained. besides bruises scars, lack of sleep and back breaking fulfillment

that stated
forced labour on a farm ie socialist prison camp utopia ala venezuela idea sis never a good thing
what a nightmare

maybe the leader of venezuela can be a real leader and go start the patato tending..before he forces anyone too
ive worked and live don a farm before, in a religious community anyway..

few jobs are as fulfilling and are as gruelling. then farming. wallmart is just burning your heartbeats for the rat race.
at elast on a fam r something is gained. besides bruises scars, lack of sleep and back breaking fulfillment

that stated
forced labour on a farm ie socialist prison camp utopia ala venezuela idea sis never a good thing
what a nightmare

maybe the leader of venezuela can be a real leader and go start the patato tending..before he forces anyone too

Maduro is serving in Venezuela until 2018, I think so, but he could be recalled anytime.

700% inflation? that's not normal. :eek3:
Maduro is serving in Venezuela until 2018, I think so, but he could be recalled anytime.

700% inflation? that's not normal. :eek3:

yeah its a mess down that way...didn't have to be....liek turkey venezuela ah lost it's marbles, by choice it seems sadly
yeah its a mess down that way...didn't have to be....liek turkey venezuela ah lost it's marbles, by choice it seems sadly

Yes... Russia, Iran, Zimbabwe, Syria and China.
Venezuela has been messed up for a number of years. I hoped that when Hugo Chavez died they would be able to turn things around. It looks like if anything it's worse. Unfortunately, it only means we will have more people streaming across our borders looking for a better life.
Venezuela has been messed up for a number of years. I hoped that when Hugo Chavez died they would be able to turn things around. It looks like if anything it's worse. Unfortunately, it only means we will have more people streaming across our borders looking for a better life.

USA isn't much better for people of color, unfortunately, but it may be best in some area.
I wonder how this came to be considered a good idea... companies will lose workers for up to 2 months at a go, causing harm to those companies... small businesses would not be able to cope well at all... if arguculture industry is suffering so badly why not entice people into it? Then you can get more qualified workers who want to be there and will have an invested desire to see the farm do as best as it can...
In US, farmers can hire immigrants to work for agriculture (farm visa), but many of them are using automation or machine now to speed the harvest and finish the job faster.
Venezuela has been messed up for a number of years. I hoped that when Hugo Chavez died they would be able to turn things around. It looks like if anything it's worse. Unfortunately, it only means we will have more people streaming across our borders looking for a better life.

its certainly an irony if america goes down due to the weight of mass waves of foreigners entering its borders..
poetic even..once can state even karmic
Even in North Korea, soldiers are assigned to farm labor. What part of the Soviet Socialist model haven't they learned from yet? Dictatorships just don't work!
Even in North Korea, soldiers are assigned to farm labor. What part of the Soviet Socialist model haven't they learned from yet? Dictatorships just don't work!

technically venezuela isn't dictatorship
but of course the reality seem sot be much different.