Utah Legislature ignores Deaf/Blind kids!


New Member
Apr 26, 2008
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My letter to the news:

I am writing to you as a loyal viewer and the parent of a Deaf child. Her name is Katrina. She is five years old and scheduled to start attending kindergarten in the fall. Thanks to the Utah legislature, she has no place to go.

Utah School for the Deaf and Blind (USDB) was recently denied funding for a
permanent school building for the tenth year running. This leaves Katrina
and 410 other impaired children without a school. They cannot return to
their previous dilapidated building because it was condemned and is
scheduled for demolition. The new building that they were offered is riddled
with asbestos and literally millions of dollars from being up to code. The
lease for said building is three times the amount approved by the
legislature. The remaining balance, they said, could be taken directly from
the student's services.

The legislature has deliberately held the building negotiations in secret,
not inviting or informing USDB administration. When some of them discovered
this and tried to attend anyway, they were denied entrance.

I am asking for your help to spread the word to the general public. We are
holding a protest on July 8th from 8:30 to 10:30 am at the south steps of
the Capitol building. All are invited to attend. Please help us, we need as
much light on this issue as possible. I don't understand how we can take a
billion dollar surplus and not be able to fund a basic need for our Deaf and Blind children.

Hopefully we can get some attention and support. It was already on my favorite talk/news radio show in town. Cross your fingers for us!
Yes, best wishes to you all in this endeavor.
The more the word gets out, the more attention will be geared in this. So, yes, Let's hope the Utah State Legislature will focus on what is needed for these deaf/blind children. Good Luck and please do keep us posted on this situation.
Iwish you luck, faire-jour. I will be there with you ins spirit. Go get 'em!
Hey, I might able to go, cuz I live in Salt Lake ya know. :D It doesn't really suprise me with Utah State Legilature denying funds for USDB. It is not only state that suffers this dilemma. Either way its way wrong. You could have distric attourney take matter to State Supreme court if legislature does not create appropriate funding or initiative.

Is that on a Tuesday the Protest? I could prolly come. PM or message me about it more please.
They're opening themselves to a massive class suit in 20 years time if some of those kids became sick with abestosis and mesetheiloma. Personally, it disgusts me.

Back to focus, best of luck on bringing this issue to everyone's attention and win the battle on getting that funding for a new school.

*fingers crossed*
Is there any federal agency that could deal with the asbestos and anybody who had been negligent about it? Teachers, etc would work in that building, so would OSHA be mad? What about the EPA?

I have a friend who majored in environmental management at RIT, which included classes on legal issues, so I'm sending the link to this page to him to see what he thinks.
My friend said that the DEC would probably make them clean it up. DEC is the Department of Environmental Conservation in New York State. So I looked for and found a similar organization for Utah. My friend found their page on asbestos.

Utah DAQ - Asbestos

Look at the link that says "Renovation or Demolition? What you need to know before you start." It's a pdf file saying that you'd have to get the building inspected. It's illegal to improperly disturb asbestos containing materials.

If the building is millions of dollars from being up to code, find how long it had been like that and who owns it to fine the hell out of them.

Are there any special regulations for places meant for children, like schools, like no lead paint because it hurts kids the worst?
The news is coming to my house this morning! We are so excited that someone is finally taking an interest!
Lots of parents and supporters showed up for the rally. All of the news channels covered it, and we got a meeting to air our concerns with the govenor today!!!!
Lots of parents and supporters showed up for the rally. All of the news channels covered it, and we got a meeting to air our concerns with the govenor today!!!!

That's great!!

Let's hope the governor will give in his fair share of this arising situation and this is a start to a long but yet, a worthwhile revolution.
That's great, it is good ya got the word out and more supports from other parents and other supporters for the rally. :)

Good luck with next step. :)
nothing. it is something that will be discussed in the next session of state legislature, although they do spend time outside of that discussing matters like this. I haven't heard anything else about it yet here. I don't know when it will, but I will write my district state congressman about it to follow up.
Congrats on getting the media coverage and I will supporting u all the way!