uhhhh help and/or feedback qq

Fly Free

New Member
Apr 2, 2003
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i just got word from my mom that there is a BAT in my grandma's house in the front bedroom -- i told her that bats are nocurnal animals thus they feed at nights and she should have at dusk left a window open for the bat to fly OUT to feed and therefore problem solved right qq NOOOOOOO she said "i dont want its' friends to come over too!" i had to laugh abt that but i did tell mom why didnt she call animal control qq she said they WONT come -- i :ugh: and told her they WILL come cuz bats are known to carry rabies! she said she closed the door to the room where the bat is and there is a fan and she made it a joke hoping that the bat would fly into the fucking FAN and shred itself to pieces -- i told mom shes :crazy: !!!!!!!!!!! and asked her whos gonna clean up the mess qq she said I WILL and i told her shes sick!

soooo feedback on how to snare the bat safely and get it back out in the wild without mom killing it before me (or animal control for that matter) q
DAD said get a baseball bat LMAO LMAO LMAO he was teasing, serious case get a towel and or broom and shoo it out ... thats the best suggestion he had for u
get a blanket.. the lighter bed sheet is perfered and throw the blanket over the bat then wrap it whatever is best way then open it and let the bat fly away outside hope that sugguestion helps :shock:
yeah a bedsheet is what I meant the lighter type not the comforter cuz that's too heavy if you want the padding go for the comforter and WASH It afterwards :lol:
My parents had a bat in their home on Thursday, it was flying around in the family room. They thought it was a bird until my step-dad used a towel paper to catch it and had broken one of its wings and realized it was a bat, not a bird. He then took it outside and killed it.

You probably like to see some helpful info here: CDC - Bats and Rabies.

There is info on the site where it will tell you how to capture the bats in a safe way.
thank u folks for ur feedbacks!!!!!!!

unfortunately i was unable to beat animal control in capturing the bat -- animal control came to grandma's house and got the bat that was flying around in her attic (it somehow escaped the front bedroom and got up into the attic) and ive seen the bat its so CUTEEEEEEEEE i was so amazed on how small it looked :shock: animal control said that the bat's fur is LIGHTER than hes ever seen so my guess it was prolly still a baby

sadly the bat will be killed to check on rabies as its well known that bats DO carry rabies -- i also asked the animal control officer who responded to be curious on if bats can also get the west nile virus since theyre known to eat mosquitoes as well and he to my surprise said no they dont get WNV! i was quite surprised on that

wish the poor bat can be put back out in the wild its just so amazing on how little their body is and wing span of up to 1 foot
Good to see that you got the bat out. Yes, they're cute... but dangerous at times.
yea Vampy but gosh it was such a cute critter! im just sad that its' life would be cut short when it meets its' demise for rabies testing cuz i know it involved killing the animal and beheading them for their brains to be examined :(
I've had to catch a bat once too. I just used leather gloves and walked up to a bat then grabbed it and held it and let it go outside.
yea SG -- me, my mom and my sister first tried to find the bat during daytime while it was :zzz: and we couldnt find it ANYWHERE and i in the end chalked it up to mom's imagination -- but lo and behold later in the evening i found out the bat came out of its' hiding place and was flying around the 2nd floor :shock: so i ran over there to help capture the bat and no success and it somehow got from 2nd floor front bedroom into the attic!

the 2nd time i was there to help try and capture it -- me, my mom and my cousin who was here visiting from NYC for the weekend were all there and the bat was somewhere in the attic and we couldnt find it either :o and mom had already called animal control for help in capturing the bat

i still thought the critter was CUTE! and sadly prolly by now dead :( cuz animal control wouldnt let the bat free back in the wild after its' capture due to it having been in a home and its required (apparently by law) to have it tested for rabies if in the event the homeowner was bit by a bat -- it was the 2nd time my grandma had a bat in her home over her 50+ years span of living at her home
I've had many bats come into my parents house. They are SOO cute! I wanted to catch it and pet it, but I knew how dangerous they could be. But we usually use a sheet or a blanket, throw it over the bat when it lands then once we capture it let it go outside. Sometimes they fly back in, but hey,it give us something to do! :) Heh.
Yea it was fun....I just would sit in the room watching that bat flying around until the bat stops and rests...so I just walk up to it and grab it...
Wooo...a bat in the house? I've never experienced that happening to me. The only bats -- flying foxes, to be accurate -- that I have seen up close, was when I visited the Healesville Sanctuary and entered the cage where they all were hanging from their feed upside down on the ceiling. It was fascinating! :)
Sad to hear that the animal control centre killed the bat that was in Fly's grandmother's house. :(
All bats do not have rabies, only a very few have them. It is just a myth to scare people. Anyway, here's my story..

Last October, my roommate named Curt, a friend, and I just finished hanging out and eating at Hooters in SLC. We arrived at my apartment about 2:30 AM. I think one of our other roommates didn't know he let a small bat into the apartment until I got home maybe about 30 minutes later.. I found it flapping around behind the comfy chair and then it flew into the kitchen and back to the living room, landed on the side part of the couch. It took one look at me, baring its cute little fangs, before it flew off again, trying to escape, but it went around in a perfect rotation in the living room and kitchen. Curt was on the computer, our other roommate was sitting on the comfy chair and my friend was sitting on the couch.. My friend was staying put and keeping an eye on the bat while I am standing and ducking my head everytime the bat passed over me.. Curt did not know what was happening until he saw the bat. I have never seen Curt freak out like the way he did!! He pounced onto the other roommate who sitting close by. Curt was frantically clawing and pawing him like a helpless damsel in distress.. ROFL! I laughed so hard. I thought the bat looked so cute! I got Curt's towel and tossed it over the bat when it flew at me. The bat got trapped in the towel and I took it outside. I let it go and it flew away.. I got back inside and started to laugh some more at Curt.

"Did you kill it?" Curt asked me.
I pointed at him, still laughing, "You looked SO femme, Curt!! Scared of a small bat!!"

He got a little upset and said he hates bats. A bat bit him when he was 12 years old or something. I told him what he looked like. Imitating Curt, I body-slammed him into the couch like he did to the other roommate, pretended to be freaking out. Curt got pissed at me and got on top of me. He let out a drop of his spit on my face!! Damn, man!! Curt, you slobbering bastard!! LOL!!! I thought it was worth seeing him freak out like that because he is always acting like he is so cool. I wish I had a cam-recorder.. It would have been so funny to make copies of his expression on video and gave it to everyone!
Welll, myself is bat lover.. I love any kinds.. Rabies? not always.. :)

anyway.. I am against to kill them..

Use.. butterfly net-- catch it.. and go outside.. flip the net inside out.. it will fly out. or.. that's what i do..
lately, I have many bats in basements.. finally i got rid of them.. (took me 2 weeks)..

How? I have this plastic meduim large bowls and large cardboard/or plastic sign.. you have to stay in the room.. quietly.. find one which is nearby and clear out the way.. nothing in the way.. like.. wall.. nothing around it.. just go slow.. with plastic bowl.. and cover it.. hold on to it on the wall.. then.. slide the cardboard against the wall.. till its fully covered with plastic bowls.. and go outside.. move away your head.. (for your protection by hit in your face hehe) and set it free. :)

I had many bats.. I cant remmy how many.. its seems more than 13.. two came in and had babies.. I dont want move them.. I fed them with left overs of bugs, fruits, some food, and water.. it was in laundry room.. I dont want to use dryer cuz of neat and dust.. or smell.. so it was in the shelf closet.. I looked around to make sure they are safety with its parents and closed closet door.. and do chores with laundry.. last month.. the babies grew.. they became more active so, its time for them set free.. (i took an adult first then babies-why? babies never been outside- will lost or unknown the enviroment.. so adult will be there for them first and guide them to beauty world.)

Grr @ FlyFree. you should have IM me.. to help you out .. you know me.. i am bat lover.. so :P hehe
Cricket said:
yeah a bedsheet is what I meant the lighter type not the comforter cuz that's too heavy if you want the padding go for the comforter and WASH It afterwards :lol:

good choice! =) I applause you for not killing hehe
Brian said:
My parents had a bat in their home on Thursday, it was flying around in the family room. They thought it was a bird until my step-dad used a towel paper to catch it and had broken one of its wings and realized it was a bat, not a bird. He then took it outside and killed it.

You probably like to see some helpful info here: CDC - Bats and Rabies.

There is info on the site where it will tell you how to capture the bats in a safe way.

AHH!!!!!! he shouldnt kill it.. cuz bats can heal with broken wings. (depends on what).. :)
SilenceGold said:
I've had to catch a bat once too. I just used leather gloves and walked up to a bat then grabbed it and held it and let it go outside.

hehe.. I am into hard way and more gentlier =)