UBI DUO--hate to say it but a ripoff


New Member
Jun 17, 2005
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I just want to make a comment because I understand many Deaf people and companies where Deaf work are thinking that what a great solution to help them communicate--the UBI DUO. It cost $2000. Makes me think of the old days when we had our AP TTY machines and they charged us how much ...$300 to $600 each and then the portable tdds same price. And now UBI DUO ....so I thought why not two laptops connected to each other and use graphic clone connection ....you can buy a laptop for $300 each these days.
Then get a cable connection. Save $1400.00 or so.

Also, I noticed Logitech has a wireless keyboard , the K400 goes for $29.99
and what I do is carry the keyboard around (very very light) and plug in what they call the unifying receiver into a hearing persons computer , then pull up Word and both can type from keyboards like an UBI DUO. I just bought one and it works wonderfully for me.

Thought Id share that with you. I was thinking all Hotels should have a Logitech wireless keyboard to give to the deaf customer and then turn their lcd monitors around for both to communicate. Thats a $29.99 accommodation solution. :P