TypeTalk (TTY)


New Member
Mar 6, 2003
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Most of the time i often use typetalk to make a called to various company for requesting order or discuss abt bill etc, once the typetalk connect the call who i wishes to speak to and the operator say "hello this is typetalk as the deaf person online and i am doin voice over blah blah" and they put the phone down as i personally believe those peoples who put the phone down got no respect at all, so i am curious if you havin a same problem ??

(most of my friend in england have same problem at me as i believe probably 80 percent deaf typetalk user suffer from same problem)
I use online relay such as Sprint Relay Online or IP-Relay. Those help me a lot. I don't have a phone right now and my TTY is very old so I don't really use those, but the computer.
how about VCO, does anyone here use VCO.....the problem is I have the "deaf" accent so people think that I need a translater...I feel like throwing the VCO/TTY through the window especially when the operator says the three words I hate "garbled please repeat"
Hi there Nassim (hope i spell it correctly),, VCO does that mean Videophone that wat it called for England users ? if yes it is getting popular in england now day coz alot of deaf users have english difficultly by usin a minicom as they rather sign bsl/asl/esl on the camera screen, i havent try it yet to be honest but dunno if that suit me!
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VCO is know as Voice carry over which mean, you are only speak directly to person and you will only read instead hear from the relay service.
Originally posted by Waz
Hi there Nassim (hope i spell it correctly),, VCO does that mean Videophone that wat it called for England users ? if yes it is getting popular in england now day coz alot of deaf users have english difficultly by usin a minicom as they rather sign bsl/asl/esl on the camera screen, i havent try it yet to be honest but dunno if that suit me!

Yes that is my name, I am talking of Voice Carry Over....... I will try to find a picture for you so you can see....since I am oral, it is faster for me to talk and read what the person is saying (via operator) and also people like hearing my voice (it makes it more personal), with the operator (stranger) it sounds so not friendly and the person dont like talking to me via TTY..... VCO is WONDERFUL!! I am also going to get the PVCO (pocket voice carry over) it will attach to a cell phone and any other phones...
phones sucks :/

I see that tty is getting computerized.

my parents spent $500 for a tty about 20 years ago BLAH

Hi. I never had a problem with the tty. I like my I711 wireless device. I don't really use the relay very much only because most of my family member or friends usually email me and instant messenger. So it made a lot easier. But with the i711 wireless device really fast service on blackberry and sidekick. That's I really enjoy using the tty. :D