The father of Emily Janzen of BC couldn't stand to watch her suffer from agonizing migraines anymore.
So he took a gun and shot her in the head, then he shoot his wife and his sister then he committed suicide.
Triple Migraine Murder
Suffering from extremely debilitating migraines myself, I can understand the guy. I also understand his frustration with medical system perfectly.
Every migraine sufferer who is beyond triptans, botox, OTC, NSAIDs, etc and needs serious narcotic pain reliever is met with extreme suspicion and demeaning treatment from medical personnel, and quickly branded "drug seeker" or outright "addict". nobody believes it can hurt so bad and nobody believes NOTHING helps with pain.
anyhoo. what I wanted to say, while I am in no way condoning the killing, I can understand why mentally unbalanced father would break down one day after years of feeling helpless and belittled watching his daughter treated like addict by medical professionals - the very ones who are supposed to "care and save"- to the point he'd think death is only way out for his daughter.