Tougher Gun Laws?


If You Know What I Mean
Premium Member
Apr 27, 2007
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Exasperated Obama: Inability to get tougher gun laws shameful -
He said the failure to expand background checks on firearms sales was his "biggest frustration" as president, and called on concerned citizens to vent their anger loudly.

Obama said it was "stunning" Congress couldn't pass laws making it harder to obtain firearms in the aftermath of the 2012 elementary school shooting that devastated Newtown, Connecticut, and stunned the nation.

On Monday, Obama said the United States was the only developed country on Earth where mass shootings occur with regularity, adding that "if public opinion does not change, we're not going to change."

And he shot down arguments that mental health was more to blame for mass killings than access to guns.

"The United States does not have a monopoly on crazy people. It's not the only country that has psychosis," he said. "And yet we kill each other in these mass shootings at rates that are exponentially higher than any place else. Well, what's the difference? The difference is that these guys can stack up a bunch of ammunition in their houses and that's sort of par for the course."

the... most.... ridiculous.... reasoning.... ever....

once again... ignoring mental health aspect and continuing to focus on tougher gun laws when it's already tough enough... when will they ever get it? when?

Both of White House and The Congress are most incompetent, not surprised.

It is better to let state deal with guns, not federal.
It is a sign of mental illness to try the same approach over and over and expect different results.

No "magic words" written on a piece of paper will do anything to prevent senseless acts of violence.

Just think of it this way ... sure, let's just make all guns illegal. That way, no one will ever get shot again, because that's how we stopped everybody from doing drugs.
It really isn't ridiculous at all when you look at it. I posted many links in the previous thread discussing the topic of mental health and shootings discussing and proving that most shootings in America are committed by people who are in fact, NOT mentally ill. Most shootings in percentage taken are committed in bulk more by Jealousy, ( scorned lover ) greed, ( killing over life insurance ect. ) gang involvement or affiliation, murdering ones spouse to get out of divorce or whatever, murder for hire, Robbery and things of that nature than the mentally ill could ever HOPE to commit... period. Take all the shootings and compile them together and statistically the mentally ill only account for 6-7% of violent crimes ( including pushing and shoving ) as I linked in that previous thread compared to non mentally ill violent crimes. Mental illness is not common, it is far less common than being mentally healthy, therefore, of course it is statistically impossible for mentally ill people to commit more gun crimes. Also, a lot ( Not all or even most ) of mentally ill people reside in institutions preventing them from committing more said crimes. The fact you can't argue with is that most shootings are done by non mentally ill people. Like I said, add gangs, jealousy, murder for hire, robberies, divorce, life insurance of their spouse and all that in there and tell me mentally ill people even scratch the surface of those gun crimes... :roll:

If you want to throw up "Well but but mass shootings" argument... Mass shootings don't even account for a fraction of the shootings that happen in America. They're a little tiny pee stain on the carpet of the mass blood spills of the real giant issue of mass amounts of individual murders and shootings that happen all over America every day... sadly. They are devastating, sad and they hit us and hurt... but they make up a tiny fraction of the shootings that happen in America... Sad, but true.
Mewtilation brings up the best point. The problem the public would like solved is school shootings. The problem the President wishes to solve is all shootings, gun violence in general. Because the public wants the narrow problem solved, it will never address the larger issue. Because the President does not want to just solve the narrow issue of school shootings, he cannot get the votes to solve the larger issue.

If you take statistics of school shootings and mental illness, I believe you will find it to be the a driving factor. On the other hand, if you take the statistics of all shooting, mental illness is only a small percentage(no surprise there).

This is a situation were both sides want the issue resolved(and neither has a solution), but are working on two different sides of the issue.
There will be another school shooting this week. Sad.
There will be another school shooting this week. Sad.
I sure hope that won't happen.

I'm surprised that some elementary and secondary schools are still in session. Our local schools are on summer break. I guess they're making up days lost during bad winter weather. Of course, colleges run all year.
It really isn't ridiculous at all when you look at it. I posted many links in the previous thread discussing the topic of mental health and shootings discussing and proving that most shootings in America are committed by people who are in fact, NOT mentally ill. Most shootings in percentage taken are committed in bulk more by Jealousy, ( scorned lover ) greed, ( killing over life insurance ect. ) gang involvement or affiliation, murdering ones spouse to get out of divorce or whatever, murder for hire, Robbery and things of that nature than the mentally ill could ever HOPE to commit... period. Take all the shootings and compile them together and statistically the mentally ill only account for 6-7% of violent crimes ( including pushing and shoving ) as I linked in that previous thread compared to non mentally ill violent crimes. Mental illness is not common, it is far less common than being mentally healthy, therefore, of course it is statistically impossible for mentally ill people to commit more gun crimes. Also, a lot ( Not all or even most ) of mentally ill people reside in institutions preventing them from committing more said crimes. The fact you can't argue with is that most shootings are done by non mentally ill people. Like I said, add gangs, jealousy, murder for hire, robberies, divorce, life insurance of their spouse and all that in there and tell me mentally ill people even scratch the surface of those gun crimes... :roll:

If you want to throw up "Well but but mass shootings" argument... Mass shootings don't even account for a fraction of the shootings that happen in America. They're a little tiny pee stain on the carpet of the mass blood spills of the real giant issue of mass amounts of individual murders and shootings that happen all over America every day... sadly. They are devastating, sad and they hit us and hurt... but they make up a tiny fraction of the shootings that happen in America... Sad, but true.

I think one reason people keep putting a lot of blame on mental health b/c when a person does get caught for shooting their spouses or mates they
'plead not guilty by reason of insanity'. I get so sick of hearing a person saying this , b/c people starting thinking only mentally ill people commit violent crimes. Al Capone and Bugsy Siegel where not crazy and look at all the crimes they committed. I really think the problem start at home , parents needs to spend more time talking to their kids . I see more mother bringing their kids to a park and the mother pull out their smart phones and spend the whole time texting and not once say a word to their kids. That is not being a parent to me.

I thought it was interesting that right after posted this about parenting and smartphone I saw this on the news .
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I sure hope that won't happen.

I'm surprised that some elementary and secondary schools are still in session. Our local schools are on summer break. I guess they're making up days lost during bad winter weather. Of course, colleges run all year.

Most schools in northern states and west coast aren't finished until 2nd or 3rd week of June.
Nothing to do with weather, most of the time school in northeast starts mid Aug to end of Aug, and continue til third week of June. Its been like that for years. Both of my kids still going school. Will be done in 2 weeks.

I sure hope that won't happen.

I'm surprised that some elementary and secondary schools are still in session. Our local schools are on summer break. I guess they're making up days lost during bad winter weather. Of course, colleges run all year.
I sure hope that won't happen.

I'm surprised that some elementary and secondary schools are still in session. Our local schools are on summer break. I guess they're making up days lost during bad winter weather. Of course, colleges run all year.

Yes, schools out here have to made up for snow days and some schools in some states did not have all their vacations so the kids could get out for summer vacation on time. I know there will kids missing a few days b/c their parents planned a family vacation or summer camps for their kids. School get on the 19th in one city as know of
Nothing to do with weather, most of the time school in northeast starts mid Aug to end of Aug, and continue til third week of June. Its been like that for years. Both of my kids still going school. Will be done in 2 weeks.
When I went to school in the Northeast, we started after Labor Day, and finished the second/third week in June.

It just seems to me that the school years are longer each year.
That was in 70's and early 80's. I grew up going back school right after labor day. Now its third week of Aug at my school. Graduation dismissal is a week earlier than 11th grader or younger I think. Will find out soon, plan go down for alumni reunion.

When I went to school in the Northeast, we started after Labor Day, and finished the second/third week in June.

It just seems to me that the school years are longer each year.
Nothing to do with weather, most of the time school in northeast starts mid Aug to end of Aug, and continue til third week of June. Its been like that for years. Both of my kids still going school. Will be done in 2 weeks.

Schools are getting out later in my city b/c of the snow days they had. I was talking to a school cross guard and she was told school was getting later this summer.