Totally Newbie at This...


New Member
Jan 19, 2010
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My Name is Heather I am orally deaf, Loss my hearing in my late teens and wear two hearing aids, I know sign language and would love to learn more but as long as I am surrounded with hoh or deaf or anyone who signs otherwise I stick with talking and lipreading in the hearing world.

Surfing the net I found this site several times I always find it helpful when I am looking for certain information. So now I decided to register and here I am. I am still unfamiliar how this all works so it will take sometime to get used to the whole thing. If you do post a rely, It may be awhile before I actually get back to you. Like I said I am a totally newbie at this. Cheers!
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. Have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave:
welcome to AD you will get the hang of it:) I am late deafened also started in my teens (16) :)