Toilet Paper Wedding Dress

Interesting dresses.. Since I am a man I cannot wear any :naughty:
heh heh he

Try avoid the rain! Its will be bare!


uh oh.. i never thought if it rains.. it would dissolve.... yikes!!!

how true if crying.. always can get some from the bride! lmao! hahahaha.. good one! hehe..

someone pointed out its prolly for hillbilly one who cant afford dresses.. lol.. funny..
interest story

im not using that toliet paper wedding dress but i wanted nice dress from shop im really wanted it
wow so different. So creative!! Could use Pink or Blue toilet paper for bridemaid dresses. Dont ya think?
Very creative, but I would prefer real dress anyways... Because TP can easily tear, get wet then it would be ruined...
Brilliant idea making awesome toilet paper bride wedding dress....

BUT better avoid weather unexpect rain... Toilet paper wedding dress gonna be ruinned!

woman will crywolf!
LOL yeah i guess someone had free time to do those things..i agree it is very creative.. yeah redheadgrrl.. it would be neat if in pink and blue.. i agree with u.. ha.. but still i dont think someone would wear for the wedding?? i know i wouldnt do that! i prefer wear real one! ha.. :)
its cool, but not for me. i feel that is critically, sorry i mean so. i take better real wedding dress :)

If you went into the ladies restroom and discovered runs out of toilet paper..

Will you dare rip your alternative toilet paper wedding dress?
