TNT, TV Show Cold Case - CI


New Member
Jun 24, 2009
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Hello, I watched Cold Case with a young deaf man murdering his deaf friend because he was jealous that CI was beneficial. The story of a man who qualified for CI because he was not born deaf. He had female friend who can hear and sign but he never speaks oral to her. His parents are both deaf and sign. He remembers how to play the piano, and his girlfriend tells him he is like Beethoven. So CI is subtly showed how it can help one hear musical notes better. Very clever. During the show the cops are communicating extremely well with the deaf through lip reading. Every time the investigators spoke the deaf understood every word spoken. Then the Deaf write back to the police answers. One man, who kills his Deaf friend, is upset at the interpreter because she explains to the detective that the deaf man is misunderstood and should not be questioned as a guilty man. That his deafness doesn't mean that he cannot be successful. Something like that. He writes to her Shut up! So during the TV show it seemed that interpreters are subtly portrayed as burdensome to the deaf. But lip reading not any problem. After some problems the soon to be victim's father finally consents to his son's decision to have a CI. This is understood as to make the son happier in life because of how much he enjoyed the piano when he could hear. The mother does not know though until the end of the story about the CI.

So the two young deaf men go to the clinic to see if they qualify for a CI. One does the other does not. Now the one with the CI is enjoying piano playing very much after CI, and his deaf friend decides to kill him while his friend is playing the piano. So that's most of the story.
Yes I remember that one. Everybody must have their "deaf episode" on TV! CSI, CSI:NY, etc.
I saw it before. The murder deaf man was jealous and not understand about CI. :roll: That's stupid to murder CI young man. He felt guilty what he did to his best friend with CI. He cried and felt guilty because he never hear any sound like CI before.