TIME magazine breast-feeding photo causes stir


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Apr 22, 2007
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Picture shows woman feeding 3-year-old son

The cover of TIME magazine this month has people talking.

The photo on the cover of the popular magazine shows Jamie Lynne Grumet standing while breast-feeding her 3-year-old son, who's standing on a chair.

The cover story delves into the topic of attachment parenting, which the magazine says has been on the rise over the last 20 years. The three main tenets of attachment parenting are extended breast-feeding, co-sleeping and "baby wearing," in which infants are physically attached to their parents by slings.

"I think it's a sensationalist view of it, but I see a lot more of it than the average person, so it doesn't shock me like it's intended to," said La Leche League Avondale's Lori Shad.

Shad is with La Leche League, an organization for moms advocating breast-feeding. Shad said she is familiar with the idea of attachment parenting, where babies are always with their moms for breast-feeding and some kids actually breast-feed for more years than what would be considered the norm.

One child mentioned in the Time magazine article was still breast-feeding at 7-years-old.

"The American Academy of Pediatrics says they recommend mothers breast feed at least a year, then after that as long as mutual acceptable for both, who says two years," said Shad.

Shad said it's normal in American culture to wean early, but around the globe kids can breast-feed a lot longer. The issue is getting a lot of attention from moms across the country because the cover was intended by the photographer to make attachment parenting seem normal.

"You know I was just reading that in my car, that's so weird you would ask me about that," said Renaye Quintine. "You know, I'm all for breast feeding, but I don't know about that on TIME magazine, if you're going to do that do it in privacy of own home, don't do it in mine.

Quintine said she wouldn't breast-feed her child for such a long period, but she doesn't have any problems with people who do. Quintine said she was more offended by the cover of the magazine than the idea behind it.

TIME magazine breast-feeding photo causes stir | News - Home
15 years later....

Son bring his girlfriend to meet his mother on brief nice introduction.
Suddenly mother said "Remember when..." *bring up Time magazine*
Son said "Oh god why?!?"
15 years later....

Son bring his girlfriend to meet his mother on brief nice introduction.
Suddenly mother said "Remember when..." *bring up Time magazine*
Son said "Oh god why?!?"

15 years later....

Son bring his girlfriend to meet his mother on brief nice introduction.
Suddenly mother said "Remember when..." *bring up Time magazine*
Son said "Oh god why?!?"

:lol: it will happen that is for sure!
Nothing wrong with breast feeding but the kid is way to old. When does it become incest??