Tide Detergent Being Stolen From Stores Across the Country


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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Tide laundry detergent is meant to be used for household cleaning purposes, but thieves are turning it into something dirty. Authorities are reporting a spike in thefts of Tide, and in some cities they are setting up task forces where the detergent is sold to track the number of bottles in stores. Police believe thieves are using the soap on the black market, which retails for $10-$20, to buy drugs. On the black market, Tide is often referred to as "liquid gold" and can go for $5-$10 per bottle.

Last year, in St. Paul, Minnesota, a man is alleged to have stolen $25,000 worth of Tide over 15 months before authorities captured him. Stores such as CVS have amped up security measures to prevent theft; at some locations the detergent is kept in a locked container and an employee must retrieve it for customers.

So why is Tide the only detergent being targeted? Authorities list several reasons: Tide is instantly recognizable because of its Day-Glo orange bottle; it is one of the most expensive brands of laundry detergent; and it does not have serial numbers, so it cannot be tracked.

On social media, people are calling the theft trend "bizarre" and many are blaming it on the tough economy and rising gas prices. One person tweeted that the thefts are "a result of inflation."

A spokesperson for Procter & Gamble, the manufacturer of Tide, called the thefts "unfortunate."

That is certainly different. I can't condone theft, but Tide really is expensive compared to most detergents.
Ummm.....never thought i would read a story about detergent being a favourite of theves :shock:
I can't use Tide due to allergies. Son's are worse than mine regarding soaps and cleaners.
My grammy used to boil a huge pot of hot water and dip our clothes in it. :giggle:...Back in "them those days"...we wore our clothes for weeks before washing them....Later on, we got a wringer type washing machine..we thought it was a luxury! Until my sister caught her hand in the wringer. Broke some bones.

I do buy Tide occassionally, but it's expensive.
I can't use Tide due to allergies. Son's are worse than mine regarding soaps and cleaners.

Have you checked lately? Just about all brands have come out with a variety that is free of dye and perfumes. It is the perfume I have to watch for myself as my nose doesn't like it (allergy similar to hay fever).
Have you checked lately? Just about all brands have come out with a variety that is free of dye and perfumes. It is the perfume I have to watch for myself as my nose doesn't like it (allergy similar to hay fever).

It's not the perfumes for us. It is the actual cleaning agent. With our laundry, we use the Arm & Hammer brand, then rewash with no soap. All clothes get a double wash, but only once with detergent. I am going to try something that I saw at Whole Foods in the organic line.