This is for you Jake


Old Deaf Ranter
Premium Member
Mar 17, 2008
Reaction score
Hello. I was here since March. I am an early mainstreamer with severe bilateral hearing loss. In January I got very sick with Ramsay-Hunt syndrome. I lost much more hearing in my left ear and the left side of my face got paralyzed. I got depressed so my family got me this computer and sent me on line. My face is getting better but my hearing is now in profound loss level on left side. I am very happy I found AllDeaf and am much less depressed.
here is a late welcome!
A late welcome to AllDeaf, Bootesini. :)

If you don't mind my asking... What does the name "Bootesini" mean?
A late welcome to AllDeaf, Bootesini. :)

If you don't mind my asking... What does the name "Bootesini" mean?

Bottesini is just an Italian name as far as I know.
Welcome to AllDeaf! :)

Glad you're getting better.
Hello and a belated :welcome: to AD, Botti! Glad to see this forum is helping you health-wise. Hope you will stay for lots of fun with us for years to come. :)
You don't have to do this. BUt thanks for the late welcome. And also WELCOME to ALLDEAF! :lol:
^^ Ah! so you are claiming to know all about women, eh? :giggle:
Hi and belated welcome to AD,where the great minds are needed. :giggle:
Thanks to you to Pepsi. I am off to bed so if anyone else posts welcome, I thank you in advance. AllDeaf really does mean a lot to me.:ty: