This 9/11 Ad Is Outraged And So Disrespectful !

We have lots of weird commercials here in Alamo City. I probably will ask my hubby to stop by that place on the way home if the protestors are there or not. Thinks the place will go out of business pretty soon.
Obviously they and their advertising agency left their brains as well as good taste at the door. I guess their liquidation sale will follow this very stupid move, very, very soon!
I just learned that the owner's daughter is in the video. They share the same last name. It sounds hearsay.
Obviously they and their advertising agency left their brains as well as good taste at the door. I guess their liquidation sale will follow this very stupid move, very, very soon!
I found this so disrespectful and disgusting making a joke about a terrorist attack and so many innocents people were killed . It made me very :mad: !
I found this so disrespectful and disgusting making a joke about a terrorist attack and so many innocents people were killed . It made me very :mad: !
If they ran that commercial in NYC they would probably be hung or at the very least the store would have been burned down! It's beyond disrespectful and disgusting that I don't know if there is a word to describe it.
The store now is closed indefinitely.