These Are All of the States in the US Where Women Can Be Topless


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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Men seem to have all the fun. They can walk around the great outdoors without their shirts on without any worry or issue. But if a woman goes out without a top on, then there are major issues. The female body is perceived as a sexual object in the eyes of many. Despite being the vessel to bear and feed children, women deal with the sexualization of their bodies on a regular basis. Women deal with enough when it comes to public breastfeeding and being asked to cover up despite feeding a child. Controversy has been surrounding the female body for decades. But there are more liberties that women can take that most don’t even realize.

The truth of the matter is that there are laws about public nudity, but in recent decades more states are allowing women to go topless and people don’t even realize it. A movement progressing topless laws is active and demanding for equal shirtless rights as men. Of course, there are always going to be disagreements, whether they have moral, religious, or sexual grounds. But the world is progressing and moving towards equality despite any oppression and wrenches being thrown into the machine.

Written by, here are the states that allow women to go topless, and there are 33 total out of the 50. As you can see from the list, these states have not combusted into flames and the structure of society hasn’t fallen apart. Despite the laws allowing women to go topless, sadly law enforcement will still arrest women for disorderly conduct. With activism and rallies, in addition to a well-spoken leader, perhaps women will be able to pursue the future shirtless one day, without judgment.

Of course, this article isn’t encouraging anyone to go topless without proper research. If you want to dare to bare it all, check with your city and state laws and maybe even consult with an attorney.

Read More!...and Florida's not on the list....:hmm: