There is information if you want traveling to North Korea

I feel the needs to :barf: after reading this ! At first I thought you were go to North Korea and I was going ask 'Why'???
I feel the needs to :barf: after reading this ! At first I thought you were go to North Korea and I was going ask 'Why'???

Oops, I changed the title.

In worst case, traveling to NK is better option when compare to Muslim countries with sharia law like Iran, Saudi Arabia and Sudan.
I suppose if Dennis Rodman could, we can now....but not me as there's places I'd much rather see more.....
I suppose if Dennis Rodman could, we can now....but not me as there's places I'd much rather see more.....

The thought of having to pay respect to their leader made me sick !
'Dear Leader ' what a load of crap ! Yeah I wouldn't like to not be allowed to talk a walk on own and being told when to wake up !