The Year Is 1955


New Member
Oct 28, 2004
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Look how great the 50s were.

House: $20,000
Average income: $4,000 a year
Car: $3000
Milk: 90 cents a gallon
Gas: 25 cents a gallon
Slinky: 90 cents
Records 50 cents 45 RPMs
Rock N Roll is born first rock song " Rock around The Clock"
$4 watch a baseball game from box seats 25 cent bleecher seats
$7.50 to watch an NFL game
$6.00 watch an NBA game
$5.00 watch Bill Haley & The Comets in Concert.
Movies $2.50 Popcorn 50 cents cokes 25 cents
Drive in Movies 4.25 a carload
Bus ride from Boston to Baltimore $10
Black & White TVs $50
geez, it's so amazing when we were cleaning up
the attic we found our Dad's handwriting notes
on these prices very cheap Amazing and scary
about the future ahead...

P.S. would you like to act like a Superman turning
the globe backwards ?
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I guess the prices were a little higher in some places.
ravensteve1961 said:
Look how great the 50s were.

Car: $3000
I remember in the 60's you could still get a new VW for under $2,000.

Movies $2.50
I only paid $1 for movies in the 60's.
Reba you probly went to a mantinee.And cars were $3000 that is a brand new mercury lincoin.