The Worst Drive-Through Foods in America

PePe LePew

New Member
Mar 10, 2005
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The Worst Drive-Through Foods in America

Time and money are two things Americans can’t afford to waste. So it’s not surprising (though slightly disappointing) that the drive-through is considered one of the great inventions of all time. There’s even a study to prove it. In 2005 and 2006, researchers asked 600 adults and teens why they eat so much fast food. Three of the top four responses were it’s quick, easy, and affordable. Taste came in third, with only 69 percent of respondents listing flavor as a factor in their fast-food love.

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The Worst Drive-Through Foods in America - Page 1 - MSN Health & Fitness - Nutrition
there's the book - "Eat This, Not That" <author unknown to me>

I avoid fast food-
Hmm... I haven't eaten anything that's on the list. I guess that's a good thing. :dunno: