The rescue of Rusty Diamond


Retired Terp
Premium Member
Jun 8, 2004
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Dog chained for over 10 years. Sad story but has a happy ending.

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I am :pissed: off at the woman for abusing the dog for so long and
thanks goodness someone finally helped the poor dog. What a sweet dog he is. :aw: I saw this on the news but didn't watch it b/c I had no idea how it ended.
I find it hard to watch I often put another channel on when see this sort of thing...That poor animal 10 his years left are not many so I hope whats left he has best of everything..They put animals down who not re-homed but I hope this little dog gets good home.
This one was saved dread think how many are not
I'm glad he was saved. Its heartbreaking how many dogs get stuck in horrible homes.
I find it hard to watch I often put another channel on when see this sort of thing...That poor animal 10 his years left are not many so I hope whats left he has best of everything..They put animals down who not re-homed but I hope this little dog gets good home.
This one was saved dread think how many are not

I know what you mean , the poor puppy lost 10 years of his life but he is enjoying it now . That woman should been reported for animal abuse and send to jail for a year.