VamPyroX said:
If you want to get upset about "race" being considered racist, then I'll have to say that "sex" is considered sexist! They don't need to know if we are men or women!
Right on. then you have to remove "AGE" because they don't need to know our ages... then they have to remove the question about our fincinial status because it is "none of their business", then they just have to throw out all those health information because it is potential to discriminat against us based on our "abortions" or "smoking" usages and the list GOES on!
Ah... no need to be such a PC arse-hole...
the only reason they are having those questions on their census, included that one about races, is to help them tracking the diseases in certain groups of races so they can develop an vaccine or situation to prevent a wide-spreading plague that causes that group to become extinct...
One positive thing that comes out of this- this benefits the research companies/groups to identify the health issues and assist the people to protect themselves in case it strick them because of their race/heredrity....
would you like to be aware of the sicknesses that are more prone in your group? I would. This is how the blacks/african-americans become more aware of ... sick anemia (er, i think i made a mistake with this but i am sure you know what I am talking about) and the American men with a prone of heath attacks and the leading cause of the deaths in certain ages- for example: teenagers- i think suicide is like second while accidents is first. This list goes on... mainly, this helps to spread awareness...
That is why they include the health questions. Not to alienate anybody out just because they are a certain group... take a psychology class and you will understand. It helps to get an accurate and truly case study with right results than if those idenitifiable questions were removed and we will be all at loss at the reason why "everybody" is dying anonymously...
(I think I have seen a similar question regarding with this "census" issue.. not sure)