the question is "respond to your message back with ?" means she interested in you?


New Member
Nov 14, 2006
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I like to know that is "respond to you message back with ask questions" or "like to be touch with me" or "waiting to reponse her back" means she interesting in me? this is hearing really joke or serious? make sure it would not confused or need be clear, I do not like blur message from hearing girl do.
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no, internet relationships aren't meant to be taken seriously unless you have met them in real life. *
You will meet more chicks accomplishing a hard feat.

* outside of e-harmony.
thats how the dudes roll in the clubs, man..

40 yrs old virgin dude had thousands of toys and he got a hot milf lady.. thats HOW he roll and HOOK.. (speaking of the movie, itself)
did she contact you again? if nope then it does tell you that she needs a break from talking to you.
:lol: communication is a two way street. Right?
matajan's town is..
That's awesome. just give it some time whenever she contacts you again and again.

she told she was swamp with school and work, study in pre-mecidine...long for last five years. not have time fun much. I want to date when meet but said not sure.
Matajan poetry #6 Titled "Blurring the Messages of Life"

I like
to know that is
"respond to you
message back with
ask questions" or "like to be
touch with me"
or "waiting
to reponse her back"
means she interesting

in me?

this is hearing girl really joke or


make sure it would not
confused or need be clear,
I do not like blur message
from hearing
girl do.