The parachuting dog of the Normandy Invasion

Im too sensitive about it. i know most dogs are useful and willing to do their job..
Im too sensitive about it. i know most dogs are useful and willing to do their job..

I did not watch the utube. I think that was horrible to do the dogs as they sure had no say in being thrown out a plane . I bet a lot dogs dies doing this.
I did not watch the utube. I think that was horrible to do the dogs as they sure had no say in being thrown out a plane . I bet a lot dogs dies doing this.

I suggest you not to think about it. remember dogs are very loyal and do like their job. not alll of them. :|
I suggest you not to think about it. remember dogs are very loyal and do like their job. not alll of them. :|

I know dogs to have a job , but I know my dog Finlay hated going into the basement so I doubt that he would had like jumping out a plane.
Wow, that was back in World War 2. I never knew there were dogs that can parachute for that. Cool. I don't see any like that in the late 20th Century and 21st Century. :hmm:

Thank you, goodonya. :)
Dogs are vital during wartime to keep lookout when soldiers take nap somewhere and have good ears to detect enemy and detect bombs and weapons. The enemy does same thing, those dogs did their duty and become heroes.

There's a memorial for those fallen dog heroes.

National War Dog Cemetery
The article says that the WWII British dogs were freely given to the paradog program as owners were being forced to give up their dogs due to rationing.
I suspect the alternative to the training school was euthanasia. What do you think?

There is also mention that the dogs played a dual role as mascots as well as doggie detection. I have seen many extremely well loved well treated dogs in the mascot role amongst men.

Dogs are as excited to see new sights and be action figures as we are. I know there are exceptions but in general.