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Feb 17, 2006
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Thought I'd share some quirkies and animal stories from!

Pammy and Kid (real name Robert Ritchie) rekindled their romance last month, having broken off their engagement in 2003. They married within the month

Look out for more wedding news.

The rock 'n' roll couple are planning three more wedding ceremonies - in Nashville, Malibu and Detroit.

Square-shaped watermelons are to be sold in the UK.

Police officers have been forced to learn Dutch –
because three dogs they have recruited do not respond to English.

Dog follows plane on runway
A couple halted a packed jet just before take-off - after seeing their dog bounding alongside on the runway.
Terry and Susan Smith, both 58, were set to fly to a new life in Lanzarote when they spotted spaniel Poppy pursued by airport security staff. They shouted for the pilot to halt the Boeing 767 and dashed out to help catch their pet at Manchester Airport, reports the Mirror.

Ratko Dankovic had emergency surgery after getting drunk and swallowing a knife with an eight inch blade, eight nails, two spoons and a couple of clothes pegs to win a ten pound bet /EuroPics

G-strings crocheted by Polish grannies have proved such a success they are being sold worldwide on the internet
Early risers have been startled by the sight of a naked woman riding a white horse through a city centre's streets. Lady Godiva rides again for a new film being shot in Oxford /PA

The stunt, in historic Oxford, was the climactic scene of a new film of the Lady Godiva legend, reports the Sun Online. The new film, a romantic comedy written by 20-year-old Vicky Jewson, is a very modern re-telling of the legend with nods to British hits Notting Hill and Bridget Jones. Flame-haired actress Phoebe Thomas wore nothing but nothing but a flesh-coloured thong and tights for the scene on Oxford's Magdalen Bridge. Ms Jewson, who ditched university to concentrate on film-making said she was relieved to get the shot in the bag in just three takes.