The Matrix in pure Anime Style...

Steel X

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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The Animatrix has you on DVD


sitting in stores June 3rd

The Animatrix represents more than three years of collaboration between the Wachowski Brothers and animation artists at studios in Japan, Korea, and the U.S.

All of the directors and key players of The Animatrix have been hand picked by the Wachowski Brothers, and have worked closely with them from first concepts to post-production.

So, what is The Animatrix? It is a series of nine feature-film-quality short animated films, each between six and sixteen minutes long.

Four of the Animatrix stories are penned by the Wachowski Brothers, with the remaining five written by the anime directors themselves.

All of The Animatrix is deeply rooted in the world of the Matrix films. Viewers of The Animatrix will learn the origins of characters familiar from the Matrix films, learn of the genesis of the Matrix itself, as well as meet new characters in original stories inter-woven with the fabric of The Matrix feature films.

looks very cool and promising...
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I allready have it now.. its pretty cool. 1 hour and 35 mins or 45 mins.. its relating to Matrix series... :)
Originally posted by Stevey Boy
Old news. I would get it few weeks after it release date.
i thought you hate anime stevey boy... :squint:
my friend got most of the animatrix series downloaded
I think you have to buy the rest of it on dvd
Originally posted by Deaf258
my friend got most of the animatrix series downloaded
I think you have to buy the rest of it on dvd

As I said I allready have the entire series.. I downloaded off Torrent... its fucking good.. I dont need to wait until june 1.. :)
you were mocking me with my japanese emotions remember?