The Kingdom of Heaven

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May 31, 2005
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Matthew 25:1-4 Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.

Notice that though all of the virgins here were expecting the bridegroom's return, only five were prepared. This parable was written about those of us that have knowledge of Jesus and His return, but have not made ourselves ready. The foolish virgins had not stored any oil for His return. Interestingly, oil is symbolic of the Spirit of God.

This parable teaches us the importance of spiritual preparation. There is really no substitute for it. When we prepare spiritually, by daily reading the Word and practicing worship and prayer, we will become equipped with the oil of His Spirit. Not only will we be preparing for His return but as an extra added bonus, it will empower us to face today's trials. And when those unexpected challenges come, we'll have the power of the Spirit already working within us, helping us through! What a great deal !!!!!

Let's get ourselves ready so that we can help others get ready! He's coming and there's so much work to be done!
Netrox, Heath's thread can be in On-Topic Debates which it means we have to talk about that, cannot topic off. But we can post ANYTHING in On-Topic Debates for some of reasons. That's everybody's choose to doing that.
On the subject of Kingdom of Heaven itself, I've read several writings on how we perceive this phrase. Brian McLaren suggest the term kingdom was used as merely a reference that people of that time would understand. Because what is something the people of Rome would understand? What was the hugest entity back then? A kingdom. How should we perceive it today? Well to answer that you'd have find the equivalent of a kingdom in today's terms. A nation perhaps?
You know I've always wondered what the bible would be like if it were written today.

The current edition translated things into how they perceived them not as the original text probably meant them. For instance "king" and "kingdoms" are largely middle age concepts because that's when it was being translated.

IF the bible were written today would the "king of kings and lord of lords" become "president of presidents and speaker of the house of senators"?
Gobae said:
...IF the bible were written today would the "king of kings and lord of lords" become "president of presidents and speaker of the house of senators"?
Probably not. A king's authority represents more absolute power. Presidents and senators are elected, and have limited powers, for limited terms.

I think modern people still understand the concept of a king, so there wouldn't be any need to change the wording. Also, it is a more universal concept, as many people over today's world still don't know the concept of democratically elected leaders.

Besides, there were Roman senators during the time of Christ but God stuck with the concept of "King of kings." and "Lord of lords." A "lord" is a master; an elected official is a "servant." Again, a different concept.

See, God knew what He was doing when He chose His words for the Bible. :)
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