The Golden Compass (Parents, Please Read This)


Premium Member
Mar 12, 2003
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I was just on reading the latest additions.

To my surprise, I didn't know the upcoming movie, 'The Golden Compass' which is based on the first part of a trilogy is in fact, very anti-religious. You see, these novels are marketed to the children. What a lot of parents aren't aware of is that these novels are dangerous to the children's faith in God.

If the Christians thought Harry Potter was bad, wait till you see the contents featured in these novels. I believe it's called 'His Dark Materials'. In the last part of the trilogy, two characters representing Adam and Eve kills Yahweh. They also feature castration and female circumcision. This is a children's book we're talking about.

Urban Legends Reference Pages: The Golden Compass

I bet there's going to be a lot of upset parents coming out of the theatres this winter. I wouldn't be surprised if they dumbed down the movie to cover up the anti-religious contents. The TV commercials and previews aren't showing anything that would indicate that it is anti-religious.

This is probably another case where the executive didn't read the novels prior to buying the rights to adapt the novels.

Always read them before doing so.

If you are a strong Christian, Jewish or Muslim who cares about your children's faith. I would advise that you read the novels first or watch the movies to determine if it's suitable for the children or not. Or just don't watch it at all.

I haven't read the books just yet, but just wanted to give the parents the head-up. Now that I read about these novels, I might take a look at them to see if it's as bad as they say.
Yes, I heard about this trilogy and its bias before.

Thanks for the update.
Ooh... this makes me want to see the movie!

I can see this being excellent promotions material!

When people hear about these things, it makes them curious and develop a desire to want to see the movie.
Ooh... this makes me want to see the movie!

I can see this being excellent promotions material!

When people hear about these things, it makes them curious and develop a desire to want to see the movie.

That's quite true. Fahrenheit 9/11 wouldn't had made so much money if it wasn't for all the free publicity on CNN and FOX News. It was the same with Passion of the Christ.
Here is a short version of Pullman's trilogy: SparkNotes: His Dark Materials: The Golden Compass You can use the pull-down menu to read the next two books.

They didn't kill God. Metatron is the one that was killed. One thing I do agree with Pullman is that there are people in the religious sector who are power hungry.
Here is a short version of Pullman's trilogy: SparkNotes: His Dark Materials: The Golden Compass You can use the pull-down menu to read the next two books.

They didn't kill God. Metatron is the one that was killed. One thing I do agree with Pullman is that there are people in the religious sector who are power hungry.

Yes, dogmatic forces are dangerous. No doubt about that. Thank you for the link, I'm looking it up.
I am not religious and I am not a parent. But I loved "The Golden Compass" (book 1) with Lyra and her animal and the ballonist and his Hestor (a rabbit). I liked "The Subtle Knife" (book 2). Book 3 was ok, but not so good as 1 or 2.

My sister is evangelical and didn't allow her children to read "His Dark Materials" (the trilogy name). The religion part of the book is boring and like :blah: - I guess if it convinces a kid not to believe in God the belief isn't strong. There is much more: talking polar bears and other animals, mystery, fear. So I don't agree the books are "bad as they say". JMO.
The Golden Compass

Spread the word about this movie .......... The Golden Compass

It is coming out on December 7th
It is marketed for children and in the end they kill God and everyone can do as they please.
It stars Nicole Kidman, which will help to make it seem mainline and OK.

However, it is written by Phillip Pullman, a proud atheist who hates Chritianity and wants to 'kill God' in the minds of children. The movie is a 'dumbed-down' version of the first book in a trilogy which themes get progressively darker and darker.

Please pass this on so that unsuspecting parents won't be lured into it. We all know that Satan's best works are ones that seem nice and harmless on the top. This seems to fall into that category.

Most of all, read for yourself what Snopes has to say about it.

Urban Legends Reference Pages: The Golden Compass

If you are as alarmed by what you read on snopes as I was, please forward this email.

Be sure to read the SNOPES article!!

This is a warning about an upcoming movie for children in December. It is called The Golden Compass and it stars Nicole Kidman. I don't know if you have heard anything about it or not, but they are going to advertise it as a normal children's movie but in the end it is trying to teach children that there is no God. It is based off of a trilogy of children's books and the author is an atheist. They evidently do some strange things in the movie and at the very end a girl and boy are supposed to be depicting Adam and Eve and then they kill God. They are trying to be very mild about it through the movie until the end so a lot of parents won't even know that it is coming so I wanted to pass the information on to you before you decide to take your children to see this movie. Also, it will be promoting his books so you may want to be come familiar with the authors name and the books that he writes!

If you want to read more info about it the website is:
Urban Legends Reference Pages: The Golden Compass

I know that I was astonished that someone would make a movie like this and especially directed towards children!! I just wanted to pass the info along to you so you could warn your friends with children as well!
If someone is worried about "The Golden Compass" movie please read the book. The book is great and is about talking animals, adventure etc. The Golden Compass is book #1 in His Dark Materials trilogy and book #3 (I don't remember the title) does go on and on about religion - this is boring and doesn't change anyone's thinking I'm sure. But The Golden Compass is exciting and wonderful not about religion. Before you judge, make sure you know what you are judging firsthand and not by some internet opinion. Think for yourself always please.
I have the trilogy in a boxed set. I was busy with RIT so I haven't gotten around to reading them yet. One of my Christian friends is interested in reading those books because he likes kid books like that and already read all of the Narnia and Harry Potter books and Eragon books.
Oops I didn't read this thread until today knowing i post one early this morning! sorry!!!!!!!!
Spread the word about this movie .......... The Golden Compass

It is coming out on December 7th
It is marketed for children and in the end they kill God and everyone can do as they please.
It stars Nicole Kidman, which will help to make it seem mainline and OK.

However, it is written by Phillip Pullman, a proud atheist who hates Chritianity and wants to 'kill God' in the minds of children. The movie is a 'dumbed-down' version of the first book in a trilogy which themes get progressively darker and darker.

Please pass this on so that unsuspecting parents won't be lured into it. We all know that Satan's best works are ones that seem nice and harmless on the top. This seems to fall into that category.

Most of all, read for yourself what Snopes has to say about it.

Urban Legends Reference Pages: The Golden Compass

If you are as alarmed by what you read on snopes as I was, please forward this email.

Be sure to read the SNOPES article!!

This is a warning about an upcoming movie for children in December. It is called The Golden Compass and it stars Nicole Kidman. I don't know if you have heard anything about it or not, but they are going to advertise it as a normal children's movie but in the end it is trying to teach children that there is no God. It is based off of a trilogy of children's books and the author is an atheist. They evidently do some strange things in the movie and at the very end a girl and boy are supposed to be depicting Adam and Eve and then they kill God. They are trying to be very mild about it through the movie until the end so a lot of parents won't even know that it is coming so I wanted to pass the information on to you before you decide to take your children to see this movie. Also, it will be promoting his books so you may want to be come familiar with the authors name and the books that he writes!

If you want to read more info about it the website is:
Urban Legends Reference Pages: The Golden Compass

I know that I was astonished that someone would make a movie like this and especially directed towards children!! I just wanted to pass the info along to you so you could warn your friends with children as well!
The movie will not be rated 'G'.

It will likely be rated 'PG'.

'PG' means Parental Guidance Suggested.

In other words, it's suggested that parents watch the movie first before watching it with their kids. If the parents watch it with their kids together for the first time then get upset that the movie wasn't appropriate for their kids, then it's at the fault of the parents for not using proper judgment.
The movie will not be rated 'G'.

It will likely be rated 'PG'.

'PG' means Parental Guidance Suggested.

In other words, it's suggested that parents watch the movie first before watching it with their kids. If the parents watch it with their kids together for the first time then get upset that the movie wasn't appropriate for their kids, then it's at the fault of the parents for not using proper judgment.
Good point, and good practice. Parents should always check on the movies that their kids will watch.
Good point, and good practice. Parents should always check on the movies that their kids will watch.
I've seen customers at Blockbuster Video complain that there were a couple bad words in a PG movie they rented for their kids. :roll:
Spread the word about this movie .......... The Golden Compass

It is coming out on December 7th
It is marketed for children and in the end they kill God and everyone can do as they please.
It stars Nicole Kidman, which will help to make it seem mainline and OK.

However, it is written by Phillip Pullman, a proud atheist who hates Chritianity and wants to 'kill God' in the minds of children. The movie is a 'dumbed-down' version of the first book in a trilogy which themes get progressively darker and darker.

I wish you would read the books first or at least the SparkNotes: His Dark Materials: The Golden Compass - don't forget to use the pull-down menu to read the next two books. I read the books long before I heard about the Christians having problems with this. I wasn't thinking of castration and female circumcision when I read about the part where the Gobblers separted the kids from their 'daemons'(animals that always hang out with the kids). I see the "daemon" more like the person's soul/personality. I see that the Gobblers are taking their souls away and turning the kids into something that isn't quite normal (as in fooling around with nature). Lyra and her friend Roger seems to be the good characters. One can't help but root for them.
I started reading Harry Potter after I heard about the Christians complaining about it. I don't see anything bad about it. What is wrong with love, friendship, and loyalty? It still is about good versus evil. The only problem for the Christians are witches/warlocks and witchcraft. If one believe in witchcraft, one has given power to witchcraft. For example, I don't believe that witches/warlocks have any real power to do anything so they can't use my fear against me.
I have read Narnia and found it to be full of violence especially at the last book of the series. The Bible also have some violence in it. And also sex (you ever read the Song of Solomon?)

Mods: I know we are not supposed to talk about religion and I agree. I just want to point out that the Christians shouldn't give so much power to the witchcrafty. Maybe it is me that see witchcrafty as fable. If my post causes any argument, my apologies ahead of time. People, no arguments please. :) Thank you!