That is not how you start your honeymoon...

Marriage can change man faster than anyone could image. This is perfect example…. He probably decided that he drink after discover a huge responsibility fall on him, so drink more and more to the point he don't feel that burden…. almost killed his wife. Wow, just wow! you know. Communication has nothing to do with this incident. LOL

Its really sad that Marriage license is just another toilet paper for him to rub his ass up.
Marriage can change man faster than anyone could image. This is perfect example…. He probably decided that he drink after discover a huge responsibility fall on him, so drink more and more to the point he don't feel that burden…. almost killed his wife. Wow, just wow! you know. Communication has nothing to do with this incident. LOL

Its really sad that Marriage license is just another toilet paper for him to rub his ass up.

I don't think that's what happened in here.

he got drunk and alcohol changed him... just like everybody else. hopefully he won't get drunk again like this. but getting drunk at high altitude does have a serious adverse effect and that's probably why he was acting like this.
I know I am married guy, I am not here to say that Marriage is bad thing. Marriage CAN be good thing if two of them works together to their difference whether they like it or not. That is where success comes in play.

I could share my experience and how it works, but it is way way too personal. My wife and I just want marriage as a foundation of our family, financial shit stays in the marriage. We wanted to make sure that our assets that we worked hard for stays in the family, not outsider.
I understand that, I am just saying my theory, because when one realized they got married and said oh shit, drink when done drink that repeat of thought, so there another drink and so on to the point where alcohol takes away who he is. Bam! There go drama.
As opposed as if one is so happy that he married to one of a kind, he may drink slowly and celebrate his success, and chat more and so on.

I don't think that's what happened in here.

he got drunk and alcohol changed him... just like everybody else. hopefully he won't get drunk again like this. but getting drunk at high altitude does have a serious adverse effect and that's probably why he was acting like this.
I understand that, I am just saying my theory, because when one realized they got married and said oh shit, drink when done drink that repeat of thought, so there another drink and so on to the point where alcohol takes away who he is. Bam! There go drama.

what? ridiculous.
I understand that, I am just saying my theory, because when one realized they got married and said oh shit, drink when done drink that repeat of thought, so there another drink and so on to the point where alcohol takes away who he is. Bam! There go drama.
As opposed as if one is so happy that he married to one of a kind, he may drink slowly and celebrate his success, and chat more and so on.

Newlywed accused of pushing husband off cliff pleads guilty - NBC News

Did you hear of this story , the wife pushed her husband off a cliff, they where married only 8 days.
Ridiculous? If drinking is an excuse, then he won't have to face charges, eh? It does not happen because you are responsible for your judgement, if you allow alcohol altering your judgement, your at fully responsibility. PERIOD.

what? ridiculous.
This is why every thinking about marriage couple should talk politics, religion, money management, key questions on what is right for children as well as who should have the final say when an opinion stalemate happens.

But none of that will mean anything if one or both cannot manage their drugs and alcohol.

So upon deep thought on the matter I think the above discussion should take place while drinking on an airplane.
She went on to her destination without him. It's obvious he has anger issues. YOU GO GIRL! :h5:
Ridiculous? If drinking is an excuse, then he won't have to face charges, eh? It does not happen because you are responsible for your judgement, if you allow alcohol altering your judgement, your at fully responsibility. PERIOD.

that's not what you said. you said something about "oh shit they got married and blah blah blah"

She went on to her destination without him. It's obvious he has anger issues. YOU GO GIRL! :h5:

I think it was just cheaper that way because if she went together with him, they'd have to buy 2 tickets to fly home.
Feel the airline should be partly responsible for this incident...stewaress should be aware of how much and if the passenger is becoming drunk and disruptive....Just like bars/taverns do when the customer has had too much to drink, and they cut him off....

But anyway...what a hell of a way to begin their Honeymoon!....:laugh2:
Stress can send certain people over the edge.

Maybe the bride was bridezilla and was still being one or the entire wedding was stressfull or money
I have heard stories, sorry.

Don't forget I work in calling center for almost 6 years, and I heard all kinds of complaint, regrets, and so on from customers. Many of them think Sorenson Technical Support is their counselors. Remember I always said I have met ALL walks of life.

Yes, I remember few calls, that a couple asked me to help solve their marriage woes. I refer them to counselor and remind them that Sorenson is not authorize to discuss about personal issue, only VP technical issues. Me ridiculously? No, it is people that are ridiculously at times.

Other times, I heard a gay man venting their feelings about hiding their true color from their parents and asking me what I think they should do. My response… I got three monkey business so can't help. I eventually talked with hearing co worker, which really separate department from my department. Those who used to work on calling center from other companies… Hearing only, they said the same thing. Hearing or Deaf, both are pretty much same thing.

There are many many stories I heard from customers, and really went into the shredder because we have no business knowing them.

that's not what you said. you said something about "oh shit they got married and blah blah blah"
