AllDeaf!!!!! Since I first joined in May 2005, I have had the most wonderous pleasure of meeting new people who are now my friends, reading about other members interesting opinions and their ideas. AllDeaf is a family oriented forum, and everyone on AD is so supportive, loving and caring! I have never been on a forum so wonderful as AllDeaf.
Alex, thank you for creating such a beautiful forum, and thank you for allowing me to become a member of a forum I truly love.
Moderators, thank you for your tireless effort to keep AllDeaf the most enjoyable forum I have ever been on. There is truly so much teamwork and devotion. Alex, you have a great team of moderators.
Now the members. Members is not a good enough word. FAMILY, that's better. Thank you for all the support, love and wisdom you have shown me since I have joined AllDeaf. Without all of you beautiful people, AllDeaf would not be as successful as it is today.
I agree with GalaxyAngel! ALLDEAF ROCKS!!!!