Tenants get sued $2 million for burning 32 units...

Can't fix stupid....
He was actually going to eat the squirell? Has anyone here tried fried squirell before?
I heard from the grapevine they're loaded! Nevermind about having any small furball as a food source, that's just nuts! :shock:
That's the purpose of renter insurance, it sounded like she don't have any, so the building owner insurance company have every right to sue to get money back for damages paid by building insurance company. If got renters insurance, the difference is with renter insurance, the building insurance company can only collect up to the maximum allowable by renter's insurance policy, the rest… usually SOL for building insurance companies.

Same with auto insurance, if you got in accident with others and the others insurance is at minimum and couldn't cover all of the damage to your car, your car insurance will take over the difference (IF include that clause in policy) and yup usually will cause your insurance premium to go up regardless fault or not..