Teacher allowed kids to have sex in school busted

... How did he even begin to think this was okay?...
... How did he even begin to think this was okay?...

It said nothing about the guy recording the teens having sex but I can't help but think he did . I don't what the hell he was thinking but it's sure is very disturbing ! I could not believe what I was hearing on the news !
It said nothing about the guy recording the teens having sex but I can't help but think he did . I don't what the hell he was thinking but it's sure is very disturbing ! I could not believe what I was hearing on the news !

In truth this is bad enough all on its own.... I am at a loss as to what goes through some peoples heads....
So teens were bangin in a closet...and teach didnt care...
we were doin it all at deafie school all over....
Considerng what they lesrn in sex ed via schools now days it really isnt a crazy thing...
So teens were bangin in a closet...and teach didnt care...
we were doin it all at deafie school all over....
Considerng what they lesrn in sex ed via schools now days it really isnt a crazy thing...

Children doing it on their own is one thing....and may be fun...however, a teacher permitting this is wrong.
So teens were bangin in a closet...and teach didnt care...
we were doin it all at deafie school all over....
Considerng what they lesrn in sex ed via schools now days it really isnt a crazy thing...

One of the many reasons parents wish to mainstream their kids and keep them home.

Keep on encouraging! Great Deaf promoting! :P
Disgusting! :mad:

I agree ! This made me sick to my stomach when I heard it on the news . I can see why some parents don't want to send their kids to school today.

@ Jezie ; if the kids are not using any birth control and condoms their 'fun' may be very short lived , they could end up with a baby and or std .
Taking sex ed to another level? i.e., practical sex ed classes or what ?? :eek3:

seriously - what a creep! should be jailed and sentenced and branded sex offender! :mad:

One of the many reasons parents wish to mainstream their kids and keep them home.

Keep on encouraging! Great Deaf promoting! :P

The truth is the truth...hiding the truth does us no favours..
Engaging the truth does...
Im only writing on my time in Draafie school, now a days who knows..
I wonder if school janitor knew this was happen , there had to been some kinds of clues in the storage closet , like used condoms on the floor etc.
I feel everyone that worked in the school should brought to the police station for questioning. The students had to been talking about this all over school.
I wonder if school janitor knew this was happen , there had to been some kinds of clues in the storage closet , like used condoms on the floor etc.
I feel everyone that worked in the school should brought to the police station for questioning. The students had to been talking about this all over school.

Well its not hard to clean up after themselves, really...i doubt they would be leaving used rubbers around, they prob used the same rubbers provided by the school.....via sex ed or counsilors....