Taking class(es) without credit?


Active Member
Apr 11, 2011
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I was thinking that it would be fun if I took Economic 101 or something like that to learn about selling bikes and other stuffs.

I do have a mentor or 2 that would be willing to teach me if I wanted to get deep and dirty in fixing bikes so I don't need classes in fixing bikes now.

I was thinking I can take Economic 101 without credit. Is that a good idea? Would you take a class without grade? I'm presuming that if you took classes with grade, then you would be more motivated to pass the class. If no credit, then who care if you pass or fail, right?

If I wanted to take a basic Economic 101 class, would VRS(forgot the name in Illinois) pay for it or would it be out of a person's pocket?
Derek: would you still want to take a course-Economics 1- if you had to pay the entire course? How that would be of value in your business-bicycles- a bit obscure.
I was thinking that it would be fun if I took Economic 101 or something like that to learn about selling bikes and other stuffs.

I do have a mentor or 2 that would be willing to teach me if I wanted to get deep and dirty in fixing bikes so I don't need classes in fixing bikes now.

I was thinking I can take Economic 101 without credit. Is that a good idea? Would you take a class without grade? I'm presuming that if you took classes with grade, then you would be more motivated to pass the class. If no credit, then who care if you pass or fail, right?

If I wanted to take a basic Economic 101 class, would VRS(forgot the name in Illinois) pay for it or would it be out of a person's pocket?
I think you mean VR (Vocational Rehabilitation) not VRS (Video Relay Service).

If you get the class paid for by VR, you're going to have to apply for a complete program package with them. They don't give out money for classes one at a time.

There are some classes in the continuing ed departments of colleges that are designed to be non-credit and to meet specific needs. They often have entrepreneur or small business or personal finances type subjects that might be what you want.

Of course, whatever class it is, you only get out of it what you put into it.
What you're suggesting is called auditing a course, which at my Alma mater was actually more expensive to do than taking the course regularly.

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If I wanted to take a basic Economic 101 class, would VRS(forgot the name in Illinois) pay for it or would it be out of a person's pocket?

I am originally from Illinois and they are called DORS in Illinois. Department of Rehabilitation Services.
You can just ask the teacher if you can sit in the course because you are interested in it. I have seen it done before in past and many teachers don't care (especially university level profs). Thing is its free but you get no accommodations.