Suspect Shot By Police In Germany Cinema No Hostages Dies

Will it looks like the police in Germany got their act together ! Only the suspect is dead !
I didn't know this happened in other countries. Obama said it only happens in the U.S.
I didn't know this happened in other countries. Obama said it only happens in the U.S.
I believe Obama said it happen more often in USA. My point was that innocent people were killed , maybe we could find out what the police in Germany did to keep this from happening.

“There was a threat situation and the man was then shot dead by a colleague.”

I wonder what they mean by "colleague."

The other times "colleague" is used in the story, it seems to refer to theater employees.

"Blakaj told n-tv television that the man told him to close the doors while holding the weapon to his head, then ordered him to go to his office and stay there. He said the man shot at a colleague but didn’t hit him.

'He seemed very confused, and was relatively young,' Blakaj said. He said he had asked the assailant whether he wanted money, and the man said he didn’t. Blakaj and colleagues stayed in an office until police arrived."

Does that mean he was shot by a theater employee, not the police? :confused:
One would think the shooter was an employee of the theater when reading the article that way. It could also just be translated from German wrong.

“There was a threat situation and the man was then shot dead by a colleague.”

I wonder what they mean by "colleague."

The other times "colleague" is used in the story, it seems to refer to theater employees.

"Blakaj told n-tv television that the man told him to close the doors while holding the weapon to his head, then ordered him to go to his office and stay there. He said the man shot at a colleague but didn’t hit him.

'He seemed very confused, and was relatively young,' Blakaj said. He said he had asked the assailant whether he wanted money, and the man said he didn’t. Blakaj and colleagues stayed in an office until police arrived."

Does that mean he was shot by a theater employee, not the police? :confused:
If it was a theater employee that shot the suspect then this show that the 'good' guys should be allowed to carry a gun and not have to wait for the police to get
there and find a mass shooting is taking place!
Maybe the theater employee was also a police ???

Generally theater employees tend to be young-- police officers are full time. So I don't see how one can be both... not with the hours some cops take. Would be hard to juggle schedules.

seems to be more questions than answers at this point.

Regardless of "if anyone was or was not killed" or if the "good guys" (whatever that means) were able to have a gun it's still a dangerous situation with no predictable outcome.

It does happen in other countries... just that in the USA it happens with fairly alarming regularity.