surveys are boring i'm asking about your opinon- Poland needs you;)


New Member
Dec 6, 2010
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Hi, first off all, I'd like to say that I am really impresed by studies done on your sign language. Unfortunatelly, Polish sign language needs a lot of people who would like to do research on it and to be honest I am one of them. As you can see my name is Alicja and I'm from Poland. I'm writing my diploma paper on linguistics anthropology and I'm interested in how do you see Poland?
I would be very grateful for any associations with Poland, what do you know about Poland and so on. Or mabe you are interested in PJM polski język migowy- Polish sign language anything will be halpful if u have any questions, let me now. Adn one more sorry for any mistakes it is not my native language so please be understanding.
I'll be honest and tell you that I don't know anything about Poland. I just know it is country and I respect them as any other countries.
I know one of your president's was a famous piano player first.
Would you like to become more familiar with Polish culture? (please don't pay attention that you are writing about my native culture) thank you for your replies.
Hi, first off all, I'd like to say that I am really impresed by studies done on your sign language. Unfortunatelly, Polish sign language needs a lot of people who would like to do research on it and to be honest I am one of them. As you can see my name is Alicja and I'm from Poland. I'm writing my diploma paper on linguistics anthropology and I'm interested in how do you see Poland?
I would be very grateful for any associations with Poland, what do you know about Poland and so on. Or mabe you are interested in PJM polski język migowy- Polish sign language anything will be halpful if u have any questions, let me now. Adn one more sorry for any mistakes it is not my native language so please be understanding.

I don't like Polish sign language at all. It's so confused and not clear.
I am very happy with ASL.
Wirelessly posted

Alicja said:
Would you like to become more familiar with Polish culture? (please don't pay attention that you are writing about my native culture) thank you for your replies.

As for me, I have never visit Europe or any other countries like Far West. I only traveled right here in Canada and USA and over the border of Mexico. So I don't know Poland and Polish Sign Language. Sorry. :)