Suruc massacre


Active Member
Oct 8, 2006
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30 young people blown up by suicide bomber in turkey today, it is thought to be IS...these young people were about to begin some buildings in Syria very sad...
the suicide bomber thought to be a woman and working on her own..
This my point about calling these bombers domestic..They totally indoctrinated encouraged to go it alone have NO allegiance to country they live in they have values of hate and aimed at every country and person who not IS..The vile hate that splouted on internet is over whelming and it should be down to Islamic scholars to show what these people are doing be it in uk America anywhere else.
What America Britain and other countries do about it all different and it should not be we all stand together against one common enemy one good start be to moniter the internet make imams talk to its young people all goverments should work together.
I bet this bombing did not make headline news in America
Its on the news....sure ..
Turkey and america recenly blocked arab natons wishing to arm the kurds with heavyy weapons to contnue to fight isis...obvioussly many in the rings of power see isis as a usefull tool for both turkey and american interests...the usual political switch and horror of the atrocities....cry fake tears..demand action...have your spooks supply them ams, block others attempts at destroying them, make evil deals....put on a good show...pocket some loot from back room bargains
Unless those weapons were blocked for another reason. Turkey of course doesnt want the kurds it would rather have isis, then a free kurdestan....and america agrees with its nato partner ...mmmmm....Its seems clear...those in power wish for isis to still exist and grow..
Isis is but one monster over there.. would not even exists without american hubris re the illegal iraq invastion and mass slaughter that gave rise to it..
But there it is...
And it will grow and flourish.....
Isis oil a million dollars a day it earns from its refineeies, will continue to be sold and bought....
Its not going anyplace..
Maybe america should sacrifice thousands of its young finest, kilking thousands upon thousands of more iraqis... to rid the world of a monster her hubris itself created...maybe....but given how well american actions have worked out re monsters begetting monsters....
Perhaps its a bad idea....
Unless the monsters serve an interests..
Turks hate Kurds...there is a lot of sympathy in Turkey for IS young people women used slaves they told they going be married to great warriors it anything but that.they told they the lone wolves and the bravests most important..Turkey is partly European if they come into EU then it going be roller coaster bombs everything be coming into Europe passports calling things domestic not really is i