Suburban funeral home gets permission to serve alcohol at wakes, funerals


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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CHICAGO (FOX 32 News) - The Wheeling Village Board on Monday approved a new liquor license that allows Kolssak Funeral Home to server alcohol during wakes and funerals, according to a report.

David Kolssak, who is the CFO of Kolssak Funeral Home, says he wants to keep up with the changing ways that families celebrate the death of loved ones.

"Right now we're pioneering, we're out there looking far out, thinking these things could change the life celebrations at a funeral home," David Kolssak told The Daily Herald. "The spirit of this is not to do nothing but help people at a time of need."

Kolssak says they've received an "overwhelming" and positive response from people across the county.
Sounds like a typical Irish wake.....


:lol: You beat me to this ! My ex husband was Irish and people were drinking after the wake at his sister house when his mother dies. There was a lot of food too. People were saying how nice my mother in law looked and I was thinking she dead ! This was all new to me being Jewish the coffin were kept closed at the temple when my dad died .
Irish wake best thing at funeral celebrate life not deaf.i went to wake few months back. Best funeral ever been been booked booze and food everywhere..the widow got lonely years ahead but to say good bye on an up with friends and family help grieving
Sort of skeptical about this....:hmm: Knowing how some people can react when there's alcohol in their system. Boastious, angry, emotional, excessive crying....even anger and rage....(something most people can control when they are sober)....But as with all things, something "new"...might take awhile to get used to....

Guessing too. As long as they don't get falling down drunk and singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"....
As Lau said, it doesn't sound new at all, but a reengineering of the traditional wake.
I asked my sister about our grandma funeral , this was dad's mother and my sister said it was terrible! Grandma friends wanted to know what dad was going to do with grandma Revere pots and pans ! Oy Vey ! Little old Jewish ladies fighting over grandma Revere pots and pan !
I wouldn't allowed have alcohol during wake visiting and funeral also but it's stupid idea my mom's family wouldn't allowed drinking alcohol during wake and funeral visiting very strictly religion.. I would respect that

Mostly funeral home wouldn't allowed have alcohol during wake visiting hours and some funeral home don't care about alcohol policy nonsense!!