study anxiety does anyone know mairian Corker's work?


Active Member
Jun 30, 2006
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Hi folks,

I am right now suffering anxiety with my assignment.
Im reviewing the book "Deaf and disabled, or Deafness Disabled?' by Mairian Corker.
its a very good book, but very complex and dense. I have to do a review of this book, it is a multidisciplionary (most of it, is sociological) and Corker theorise from a constructionists perspective.

Does anyone know about this book? Id would like to have relay emails /chat as there nobody else here in the course im doing is doing the same thing.

I FEEL SO ALONE !!, its scary, Ive only just started writing it and got a big blank in my head, though I have started half a page already but I don't feel real confident about it as I need to get it done within 2 weeks, well better within a week so Id have tmie to go over and polish it up before submitting

Im freaking out...its like I tried email my supervisor hes' right now reviewing someone's else thesis.....till later this week...then id be able to see him, but it WOULD be nice to see if someone who'd KNOW this book and just bounce me off some ideas or opinions or help steer my response to it - as I DO agree alot with Corker scintilating detailed observations, but like im lost for words or how to get sharper responses although I do have some ideas but urghhh. I'm going nuts as I cant 'talk to myself in the head' any longer - need another soul to squibble with the similar intellect help me come up with clear response to the book because I dont want to do any paraphasing.

if you do, then PM me, swap the MSN, and we'd talk for while, I promise I wont hold you long...its just be good to have some other good mind to interact with.

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Well, I don't know the book... but all I can say is, get started!
Try to relax, manage your time within those two weeks, but write something... of course try to make it 'good', but the most important thing is to complete the assignment. Get started, you might get more ideas as you go and refine it... but blank pages will definitely -not- get you a good grade, so try not to fail the assignment out of fear, it would be better to write something that you don't think is good than to hold off and not write anything.

As one of my friends has told me before... "do something, even if it's wrong."
ive already got started.....nearly 1 page of rubbish (its called draft) but its a start......
ive already got started.....nearly 1 page of rubbish (its called draft) but its a start......

Good :)
Was just saying that, because when I was in school, there were times when I was so anxious that I didn't do anything at all, and of course would fail the assignment... it would have been better for me to try and fail than to fail from not trying. Just wanted to offer encouragement so that it doesn't happen to you.
this is a post-grad university course, cant afford to fail it
Let it go for a day or two, Grum. Your attempts to force it only make the ansiety worse. I have no doubt that you can and will synthesize the information into a cohesive paper. I've seen examples of your thought processes.
Wow, that is what I like about the encouragement approach when it comes to thesis or trying to write a report/papers when studying for post-grad university course. Also I have to agree with jillio that you need to take a break or rest a bit before you go ahead like a day or more. I am very glad you are trying your best to write on the report on Mairian Corkers book. Just take it easy and we will try to encourage to let you know we care and looking forward to having your study successful. No, I don't know about Mairian Corkers book myself. Like everybody on the threads, just do what you can do on your book writing for the thesis. I know it is not easy but it will come if you just relax. I think there is another word for writers and it is call writer's block leaving a paper blank when they could not think of what to write on. Good luck. :hug:
Bebonang, if you go to (UK version, not US) and look at the sample page where they let you read the first page of that book, you will see why Grummer might be freaking out.

That is one hard book to read - and understand. When I was reading it (or trying to), I wanted to stop and get drunk.
Sorry about the hard book to read and freak out. But encouragement help a person not get freak out anyway. I don't know why professors give them hard subjects to do the thesis or reports. Sound like psychology course, is it? I did not go to Amazon and find it. I don't want to freak out either. LOL I want to help like the rest of the Aders to help Grummer get ahead of her study. Best of luck, Grummer. :hug:
hi, thanks everyone for the push and faith, i do appreciate it, fun's still not over yet, as I am almost nearly finished with the book report essay, about another 200 words to go, but it is hideous to squeeze in like another 400 worth into it, so much to say and so little space left available, I dread the riddle-like nature of English, I wish had commands of English like Chase.....I am sometimes are like "where's the hell do you get this from?" this sort of the gift of the gab thing in literature sense have me green with envy.
I spend hours doing maybe to tweaking in a paragraph, the bridges, the point, ensuring the flow and the grammar remains all intact.. but the book itself...God..but tell you what in the end, I think it is actually a very good book
Hey G,

How's your assignment going?. Hopefully you are getting somewhere now. :)
Getting to the end now, while a little hestitant - still remain to decide what one more issue to blather about towards the very end. I already have the last paragraph sussed, adding bridge and blending in the last point at the same time, not an easy feat with a precious 100 words space left.
Getting to the end now, while a little hestitant - still remain to decide what one more issue to blather about towards the very end. I already have the last paragraph sussed, adding bridge and blending in the last point at the same time, not an easy feat with a precious 100 words space left.

That is great you are nearly to the end of your assignment. You will get there eh. Yes, it won't be easy to do last 100 words space left. Good luck. :)