Still kind of confused....need some advice from the bisexual chicks in the forum


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2003
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As I mentioned previously, Hannah and I aren't girlfriends any more :(We still love each other a lot....she is an amazing person to put it mildly. I'm OK with this arrangement. We can still love each other as friends, and that can really take some of the steam off ;) Unfortunatly, she's a low tech girl, so it can be hard to keep in touch with her. I do LOVE getting her letters and writing letters to her.
One thing that's still kind of confusing me. Specificly the night that we ended up cuddling with each other. I mean.....I know Hannah cares for me quite a bit....but on the other hand if she just wanted to be friends, then why did she cuddle with me? I'm just puzzled as heck as to why she would do that just as a platonic friend. I mean not even my very close college friends or camp friends would have ever done something like that. Not to mention the chance of two hetrosexual just platonic girls doing that is just pretty much nil! (I saw a lot of hetrosexual same-sex affection when I was off at school)The cuddling was pretty much a mutal thing. When her mom said " Hannah....It's Deafdyke!" we both raced towards each other like we hadn't seen each other for a thousand years. Then we both put our arms around each other, and that lasted for the ENTIRE set.
I'm just so confused by that. On my side it felt good, just BEING with her, and holding her. Yet when I mentioned it to her in my letter to her, she seemed to think that it was nothing. I'm so confused.....Any ancedotes or words of advice?
seems like she wants to be friends with 'benefits'
Liza, but the thing is, she doesn't seem to be the friends with benifits type.
I'm just really puzzled by this. I mean it feels AWESOME that she feels so close to me, that she wouldn't think anything of cuddling with me. I'm just puzzled as to the cuddling......we'd never done anything like that before. (we've known each other for a few years now) Like it wasn't....full on body contact snuggling, but more like we had our arms around each other the entire set. I'm so confused. I know platonic friends tend to only cuddle for a few mintues and then drop it.
Arughhhh so fucking confusing!
and Liza, the cuddling happened BEFORE we broke up. The snuggling was pretty much what cemented our relationship.. but after about two weeks, she said she wanted to just be friends (she's going off to college) I'm just really confused about the meaning of the cuddling right now. Not too many platonic friends would find themselves with their arms around each othr after a reunion.
You are still confused?

I thought I told you, those who are confused are in love, why?

Emotionals are getting in the way, your judgement faltered.

Your mind isn't stable, you aren't using your brain. Use your heart and you said it feels so good, looks like you gotta give effort to be with her and you have to show her this effort or it'll be a waste.
Well it's obvious that I'm in love with her....maybe she's confused too....I dunno. Just gotta wait and hear back from her.