Still deciding which HAs to choose from...


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
Reaction score
I am still in the process of trying Motion 700 and currently Nitro 700/300 SP
what happened is, the audio said he thinks the Nitro will suit my needs better as it is stronger than the other one, but I dunno, I've found I think I liked Motion 700 better,

so after trying out Nitro for two weeks I want to try again the other HA.

So much for the news, in case anybody care, lolol.

It does take quite a long time to do all that, what with the appointments being available only two days of the week, but I am not complaining,
once I have two working HA-s I don't mind.

This Tuesday I will be switching back to the first set of Siemens Motion 700 I had tried originally, and I sure hope I will be satisfied as programming the HAs had me in tears every time.

I don't know about you, but for me them asking me "how's that sound?" and me not being able to explain what's wrong is beyond frustrating.
HOW do you explain the sounds you hear when you don't know what to compare them to?

Anyhoo, it's exhausting and it took us two about hrs to program these aids to moderately satisfying level, but now it sounds acceptable at least.
Way, WAAAAY better that those Beltone craps before, so yay!!
If only it wasn't so draining physically and emotionally, sigh.

ugh...i think hearing aids are the devil sometimes..i hate that mine pick up every damn noise instead of JUST the ones I want to hear lol...glad you are trying out diff ones tho!
Alicia, yes, isn't it insufferable, grrr but what can we do. if we only could hear just what we want lol.

A program with reduced background helps a lot, I found, I like it a lot especially when I am talking with someone in noisy situation like a party, restaurant
sometimes even I let it on when I am especially tired or migraining.

I am trying this new HAs - it's Motion 701 instead of going back to the original 700 kind I tried, which surprised me as I didn't know about it,
and I was told I might very well be the first one in Canada to try it out.

I am liking it so far, the programming probably will need better adjustment but I also need a new ear molds, too.

We'll see how it's gonna go.

Hmm..I am starting to wonder if I would want a speech in noise program.

Programming does suck. It is all about finding an amazing audiologist with infinite patience. I have had the same aids for 2 years now and I still go back every few months for programming! It is mostly because my needs change and so what programs I want change.

It helps to keep a journal. Write down what you are thinking as you are thinking it. Bring it to your audi.
I am still in the process of trying Motion 700 and currently Nitro 700/300 SP
what happened is, the audio said he thinks the Nitro will suit my needs better as it is stronger than the other one, but I dunno, I've found I think I liked Motion 700 better,

so after trying out Nitro for two weeks I want to try again the other HA.

So much for the news, in case anybody care, lolol.

It does take quite a long time to do all that, what with the appointments being available only two days of the week, but I am not complaining,
once I have two working HA-s I don't mind.

This Tuesday I will be switching back to the first set of Siemens Motion 700 I had tried originally, and I sure hope I will be satisfied as programming the HAs had me in tears every time.

I don't know about you, but for me them asking me "how's that sound?" and me not being able to explain what's wrong is beyond frustrating.
HOW do you explain the sounds you hear when you don't know what to compare them to?

Anyhoo, it's exhausting and it took us two about hrs to program these aids to moderately satisfying level, but now it sounds acceptable at least.
Way, WAAAAY better that those Beltone craps before, so yay!!
If only it wasn't so draining physically and emotionally, sigh.


Siemens are great but, have you tried some Oticons around here?
I happen to wear Oticons and is about to switch from my analog Siemens to super digital so I'm getting Oticon Safaris next year *I'm 15*
there's hearing aids that looks simliar to that model I'm getting so there's the Epoq, Agills, and the hit

GOOD LUCK! :wave: