Star Wars Kid


bloody phreak from hell
Feb 27, 2003
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Remember that Star Wars Kid video clip that was going around recently? Well, now that kid's parents are suing! Jeez!
'Star Wars Kid' born out of private moment on tape

(AP) -- It was a moment of unadulterated goofiness, the kind of thing anyone might do with no one watching: A teen from Quebec videotaped himself as he pretended to wield a light saber "Star Wars" style.

That kid should have thought about it before he videotaped himself! Making videotapes or pictures only increases the chance of anyone seeing what's on those pictures or videotapes. I'd just tell the kid to fuck off and deal with it! :fu:
I just don't understand why his parents would be suing? The boy set himself up like that by videoing himself and the videotape happened to be found by some boys from the same school. You know how kids are during school years...they're mischievious and don't really understand and realise the magntitude of their trick and how it affects the person they inflicted the joke on.
I don't think suing is the right way to go with this. I reckon having the kids who released the video in cyberspace should be properly disciplined by detention at school and possibly some community hours. Sound reasonable?
he who lives by the sword dies by the sword, his parents OBVIOUSLY wants to get rich quick AND WHO KNOWS the kid may have lied to his parents! as far as im concerned, THE kid should have known better and the peers should get the consquences!