St. Paddy's Day in Boston! (Southie)


New Member
Sep 16, 2003
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I'm curious if there is any deaf events in Boston for the week of St. Patrick's Day. I haul from the evergreen northwest of Seattle and I'd love love to wander around in Boston - A true Irish-American community. And to celebrate our true blooded Irish Hertiage. My friend and I decided that we wanted to do something different for St. Pat's Day Craze week! Ohh btw, we are in our 20's (I'm 24) Smiles* We're IRisH girls and we definitely drink ha. We're definitely there to party and go bar galoring around! Is anyone here who lives in Boston and knows where the hot deaf event spots are? Anyone glad to guide us girls around Boston, eh?

Hook us up! :cheers:
Hi I am not Irish .... but I used to live in Boston, MA before and you can talk to:

I am sure they will be more than happy to help you. God Bless and Happy St. Patrick's in advance.

D.e.a.f. Inc. is always in alots of parades and public events. :) :thumb:
Seattle, check here often enough and Catmandu and/or Kallista will give you some tips.
Hi Guys,

Thanks for your responses and helpful links! Yet...I'd like to find someone who is willing to guide us around. I will be calling D.E.A.F. INC soon and see what they can do. I'm doing researchings and planning ahead of time to so there will be fun fun. ;)

Anyone can throw in ideas and themselves if they live in Boston! :cheers:
I did see anything adveristment in Massachusetts Associate for the Deaf.

You may try to contact those people to get more information. Sorry, I do not know much about St Patrick's Day events in Boston.

Try search this website. Good Luck
St. Patrick Day Parade

The 105th annual St. Patrick's Day parade begins at 1:00 p.m. in South Boston, a distinctly Irish neighborhood jutting into Boston Harbor. The parade features dozens of bands from Ireland and across the United States, including local favorites like Boston Police Gaelic Column, composed of Boston police officers. The 105th annual parade celebrates a glorious tradition of keeping Irish heritage alive. Featuring marching bands and pipe bands from throughout North America, the parade travels through Boston's most Irish neighborhood, South Boston.

Date: 03/19/2006

For further info, please call 617-635-3911 or visit .

Also please see....and ask for a tourist brouchure with coupons so you can save money while visiting Boston.

City of Boston - Mayor's Office of Tourism
Boston City Hall
Boston, MA
Phone: 617-635-4447
SeattleDeafGirl, how was the trip to Boston on St. Patrick's Day weekend or did you guys ever get the chance to go? If so, how was it?
Catmandu said:
SeattleDeafGirl, how was the trip to Boston on St. Patrick's Day weekend or did you guys ever get the chance to go? If so, how was it?

She rarely posts so you probably don't get a reply. She only has 98 posts since 2003, just letting you know. :)
sequoias said:
She rarely posts so you probably don't get a reply. She only has 98 posts since 2003, just letting you know. :)
I guess this is out of the question then. Thanks for letting me know. :)

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