If the congress don't agree to transfer the funds from SS so anyone with SSDI will face 20% cut in 2016.
Reader, beware. I've looked on the internet and while I enjoy the Huff, the figures while looking for less than five minutes, changed. 20, 21, 25% . That's why you cannot go to just one page
on the internet. You need your noodle to put together a puzzle of cryptic and likely inaccurate reporting. It can be done within limits.
Oh wow, that's terrible.
Not a surprise. My quotes are from the article.
To be clear, as Foxrac said above, this is not a done deal but I think we're pretty screwed and if it does, you better think about how you'll survive. Watch for this.
"Rep. Sam Johnson (R-Texas), chairman of the subcommittee that oversees Social Security, championed the rule's Social Security provision and said shifting the funds would constitute a "raid" on retirement insurance, which is solvent until 2033. "
The raiding has been going on decades. It's robbing Peter to pay Paul. That's our Congress - robber barons. Johnson is full of b.s.
"Congress could prevent the shortfall by raising taxes, cutting benefits, or both -- though cuts are a favored GOP option. Many Republicans have lamented the rise in disability rolls, which they have suggested is something of a welfare sham. Johnson described the program as "fraud-plagued." (My add here in terms of fraud-plagued is: If you're going to claim SSxx is fraud-based and lets say this happened in a court of law (it won't), Congress is coming in with unclean hands and this would be tossed.)
It is a sham. So, for SSDI, you remove 1/5th living expenses. People on SSI will sink into the mud and that's pretty much what those in charge have been doing in various forms "... 11 times since the 1950s." SS ... I don't know.
"Rather than solve the short-term problems facing the Social Security Disability program as we have in the past, Republicans want to set the stage to cut benefits for seniors and disabled Americans." (GET THIS LOUD AND CLEARLY, PLS. I also hate voting but argue with myself every election not to go/to go. I invariably go but the turn out was pretty bad. Could more people voting have changed the outcome? Maybe maybe not. they're mostly all playing adults with our money - party may be irrelevant but they put on a lovely show... expletive.)
With regards to the above some of us have been waiting to see what the new Congress would do.
Now, my favorite person in Congress:
Elizabeth Warren ✔ @SenWarren Follow The GOP is inventing a Social Security crisis that will threaten benefits for millions & put our most vulnerable at risk.
6:04 PM - 6 Jan 2015
Even an economist who wasn't afraid to years ago say what was really happening. Less knowledgeable people (me, those near us who knew) said the same thing. CONGRESS has been trying (and succeeding) to make us think: a) We'd run out of SS funds b) We're all abusing it like Congress is abusing the pay increases they give themselves.
Watch and follow this, folks. It may be a show as Boehner's vote was. Anything we see on t.v. may have a modicum of truth in it. What happens behind the magic current is unknown because the committees don't want us to know the deals they're making. I am going to write a letter to Ms. Warren. Emails are just too much to get through and I want to be perfectly clear that my odds of being "heard" are increased.