Spring time

Frisky Feline

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2003
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Yay! i am SO happy to see the spring has arrived at last! however i do expect to see more of snow coming soon. hope they won't be here any longer! :D

I have to start, is to get myself outside and some work out! :shock:

what is your plan for spring time, ahead of your time!?!?! :fruit:
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Hubby is outside mowing the lawn. Since it has warmed up. The grass has shot up! Doing some spring cleaning myself.

The only misery I am suffering from is allergies and sinuses!! From all the pollen in the air!! The Orange blossoms are at full bloom!
Hubby is outside mowing the lawn. Since it has warmed up. The grass has shot up! Doing some spring cleaning myself.

The only misery I am suffering from is allergies and sinuses!! From all the pollen in the air!! The Orange blossoms are at full bloom!

Oh me too. i keep forgetting that i do SNEEZE a LOT especially the pollen in the air starts until summer i feel ok. it isn't serious but just sneezing a lot. I am not looking forward to cleaning up the tons of tissues everywhere. =X

my dh has not yet mowing the grasses yet. our grasses are all wet and flat from the leftover snow this past weeks.
This Spring and Summer .. Get Rid of stuffs in Attic and Basement :)
We are expecting rain here. I plan to enjoy my spring break whoohooo it starts the day after , Easter :cool2::D
Today it was VERY sunny outside but still cold, especially with the wind blowing!!! :cold:

Weather forecast though said it was going to snow and rain next week... urgh! :roll:

Oh I still wanted to add that the beginning of spring means I have to go through my clothes and then put them up on ebay :giggle: We still live in a flat so no garden but the park is right next door! :D and the woods just down a couple of roads!

The park where the playground also is, was full of children! That was nice to see the kids playing around and having fun again! Get some fresh air!

speak of a devil, i start to sneeze more today! :mad2: i open the windows for a short time to get my house fresh.. the result was that i sneeze more.. i close some of the windows a while ago.
jamielynn, just the pollen and dust. i would love to see the spring to go away and summer is coming in. so i can stop sneezing. :D
Springtime means, coming up with a new idea for the front yard. Last year, I built a bridge over a flower bed in my front yard. I am thinking of changing the design of my other flower beds, like replacing the ledges with a different kind of rock design.

I also would like to repaint the front porch but not sure yet.

I want to build a flower bed in the backyard and then I am done for the year.

My plan is to change the front and backyards little by little each year as I cant afford to do a whole landscape makeover at once.

Also, spring break is coming up and my mom is flying from AZ for the week. We will take her to the caverns in the VA mountains, see the Cherry Blossoms as they are supposed to peak during that week, Gettysburg, and hiking on Sugarloaf Mountain near Frederick.

And last but not least, buy new summer clothes for work and casual.
Springtime means, coming up with a new idea for the front yard. Last year, I built a bridge over a flower bed in my front yard. I am thinking of changing the design of my other flower beds, like replacing the ledges with a different kind of rock design.

Wow, Shel, sounds really pretty. Can you post a picture?
Wow, Shel, sounds really pretty. Can you post a picture?

I posted a picture of my flower bed with the bridge last year. I will post my completed projects again. :)

Speaking of spring, I just finished shoveling a part of the backyard for an hour. Good exercise!
I went shopping with my older daughter and got a pair of Nike flip flops for the warm weather. :)
I'm looking forward to wearing cute spring outfits again. Looks like my workout routine is finally starting to pay off. I hate to brag but I think i'm gonna look like a million bucks. :cool2:
I'm looking forward to wearing cute spring outfits again. Looks like my workout routine is finally starting to pay off. I hate to brag but I think i'm gonna look like a million bucks. :cool2:

Go ahead and brag.:nana:

I confess I am still short and fat.

But the warm weather and no coat is nice. ;)
I'm looking forward to wearing cute spring outfits again. Looks like my workout routine is finally starting to pay off. I hate to brag but I think i'm gonna look like a million bucks. :cool2:

I am hoping to look like a million bucks next year! :)
Guess what? When I woke up this morning, there was snow with the wind from the South fell on our Reservation all day. It is already Day 2 for Spring, Winter has not gone away yet. I am looking forward to the warm weather or a little bit cool. I am not looking forward to nasty flying gnats (house flies, mosquitos, and black flies). I hope to do Spring cleaning my house and cleaning up the trash all over the yard, both front and back. My dog made a mess during the Winter. Anyway, I want to say Happy Spring Day!!!! :D