Someone played the Knockout game...

He should consider himself lucky he wasn't killed, but I'll bet the idiot still doesn't get it, or think he did anything wrong.....

The perp said that he wished he had never played the game. Hello?
The perp said that he wished he had never played the game. Hello?

Only because his dumb ass got shot... said he done it 6-7 times before.
Worthless human beings, should have just finished him off.
Only because his dumb ass got shot... said he done it 6-7 times before.
Worthless human beings, should have just finished him off.

That's why I don't believe the perp's words. It is full of BS!
I haven't heard about white, Asian or Indian guys playing that game. Only black guys do. What's up with that? They think it's cool? WTF? They are assholes. If you don't agree, show me a fact.
I haven't heard about white, Asian or Indian guys playing that game. Only black guys do. What's up with that? They think it's cool? WTF? They are assholes. If you don't agree, show me a fact.

Because they have evolved into a smarter species.
I haven't heard about white, Asian or Indian guys playing that game. Only black guys do. What's up with that? They think it's cool? WTF? They are assholes. If you don't agree, show me a fact.

My black husband is not an asshole and he has never engaged in violence.
Oh about being racist.

Not being racist at all, if you look at the scientific data its proven that ( not all blacks, just the ones who prefer not to get an edjamacation )
they think all us whites and everyone else "OWES" them everything and still dwell on the "SLAVERY" BS of the past when they really dont know squat about slavery, they dont have any living realatives of the days of the past, we dont have any living realatives of the days of past and still they say "WE" did this to them.... its been hundreds of years and they still dwell on the past that is long gone. If I can find the article on this I will post it.
One was recently by Bill Cosby

But there are plenty of good Black people out there, its the same with all races, you have the good and the bad. There are whites, then you have hoosiers/thugs.... every walk of life has them... But some are just worst and basically worthless to society.

This is not the article Im looking for but Hear it from their own.
Bill Cosby NY Post: Cut It Out, Bill Cosby | News One

Whites and other races were slaves too, but we dont throw it in the air as an excuse everyday, and Ive never heard another race talk about slavery on a daily basis either.
Have you noticed Blacks dont "act" white... those are the ones who value their life and get an education and live a good life... But whites "act" black, the thug wanna be's that drop out of school and live a gang life of drugs and stealing? Its just lack of education, drugs and whatever reasons for them to just give up on a good life. Not racial, just lack of education and carelessness, learning a bad way of life at an early age from bad influences such as bad parenting, gangs, peer pressue...ect...
Its a choice and they took the wrong road.
now that someone threw out the "RACIST" card...everyone is scared to comment right?
Wow people. This isnt about race at all
I haven't heard about white, Asian or Indian guys playing that game. Only black guys do. What's up with that? They think it's cool? WTF? They are assholes. If you don't agree, show me a fact.

whoa.. where did you get the idea about black guys?? LInk please

by the way, not ALL the black people do that.. jeez.
now that someone threw out the "RACIST" card...everyone is scared to comment right?
Wow people. This isnt about race at all

no. someone made determine that it applied all of black guys's game. How did you know its for black peopel only. you dont see what color do the other kids did the KO games?
Why are you mad at CP and Sono? Their statements are not BIG DEAL and they are not talking about ALL black people, but just crooks and thugs.
no. someone made determine that it applied all of black guys's game. How did you know its for black peopel only. you dont see what color do the other kids did the KO games?

Yeah, there has been some white "wanna be's" doing it too, so its not strictly a blacks game... its either a Gang Innitiation game or what?
Its been going on here in St Louis city awhile now, and its a shame these young "punks" do this to the unsuspecting elderly. One reason is, they cant defend themselves and are cowards, so they have to sneak up and sucker old person? A child? so far there have been several who died due to medical conditions, and yet they dont care and call it "just a game".
Parents need to start busting their kids arses, The laws needs to be revised and step out of the Parenting stages... because of this so called "abuse" BS parents are scared to correct their kids.
Ok, so i spanked my kid for acting like a total a**, thug....whatever. Go ahead put it on the taxpayers bill and send them off to juvie,foster home or jail... that will straighten them up right? Wrong.
Why are you mad at CP and Sono? Their statements are not BIG DEAL and they are not talking about ALL black people, but just crooks and thugs.

were you referring to me?

If so, Me not mad. someone commented BLACK guys' games. how did they know ??