Some Parents say vaccines trigger autism. But, is skipping the shots the answer?


Prayers for my dad.
Premium Member
Nov 24, 2003
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some Frightened parents have stopped vaccinating their children or child because they are fear that their children might show signs of autism. But, Is stopping or skipping shots an answer to your children/child? But the Facts is 70 years thimerosal has been phased out of all childhood vaccines since 1999 now it is present only in tiny amounts... Some children died because, Some Parents refused to take their Children to get their rountine shots up to date and it should have been prevented. Could you forgive yourself if that happens to your children/child? I wouldn't.
Oh, yeah. I heard some parents say that the vaccines would make kids more dumber ~
For me, it's best to let the immune system takes it nature rather than havin' vaccines to screw/confuse the immune system. And, also it depends on where children live. Every environment is different in every place. :)
... I would have to disagree with you there Cyberred. Some children's immune system aren't that good due to malnutrition, blood dieases, or other dieases (asthma, diabetic and whatnot) and they wouldn't be able to fight off grave dieases w/out medications nor vaccines to aid their whitecells to recongize the viruses before the virus gets out of control and take over the body.
And if the children make it through w.out getting serious viruses, then as adults they are MUCH more at risk. Especially with chicken pox. It is better to get it at a VERY young age than getting it when you are 30 yr old. So the 30yr old would have to get a vaccine to protect self due to their natural upbringings with no medicines.
It is better to be healthy with vaccines and whatnot than having all illnesses/viruses hitting you constantly and no protection (missing out in school, losing pay at work, helpless, worthless to do anything because you are DRAINED by hacking out phlegm and blowing out muscus from your nose)
If I go back to my childhood and have a choice to get vaccines, i will grab the opportunity. Unfortunately I was allergic to many medicines. Thus all I remembred from my childhood is sitting in my bed, tissuebox next to me, and a humidifer on the floor.
It is not funny when you are constantly being called "Rudolph the Reindeer."
CyberRed said:
Oh, yeah. I heard some parents say that the vaccines would make kids more dumber ~
For me, it's best to let the immune system takes it nature rather than havin' vaccines to screw/confuse the immune system. And, also it depends on where children live. Every environment is different in every place. :)

State of Massachusetts Department of Education stated if any child who does not take any immune vaccines. He/she can't go to school. It is a law in this State.
Sabrina said:
State of Massachusetts Department of Education stated if any child who does not take any immune vaccines. He/she can't go to school. It is a law in this State.

It's a law in Ohio too. :ily:
I think it's important that every child should received every vaccines shots even there may be some stories that cause parents to be scare but for me I'm not since I know that vaccines shots will help my children....

And I don't believe nature will help with everything beside we need those medication to help us live longer....
Cheri said:
some Frightened parents have stopped vaccinating their children or child because they are fear that their children might show signs of autism. But, Is stopping or skipping shots an answer to your children/child? But the Facts is 70 years thimerosal has been phased out of all childhood vaccines since 1999 now it is present only in tiny amounts... Some children died because, Some Parents refused to take their Children to get their rountine shots up to date and it should have been prevented. Could you forgive yourself if that happens to your children/child? I wouldn't.

I have to agree with the majority here. If I had children, UNLESS there was a MEDICAL reason I shouldn't, I would absolutely positively allow them to be vaccinated. I've heard those same stories Cheri pointed out about some vaccines causing autism.From what *I* know ( and for what this is worth), the "evidence" is anecdotal. There's NO PROOF that autism is caused by the shot, so am I going to put my child's life on the line, because someone SAYS they MIGHT become autistic? No, I'm not. I had mine. My sister had hers. Her kids had theirs, and if I have kids somewhere down the line, they WILL have theirs!
Oceanbreeze said:
because someone SAYS they MIGHT become autistic? No, I'm not. I had mine. My sister had hers. Her kids had theirs, and if I have kids somewhere down the line, they WILL have theirs!

Bingo!!! you said it perfectly! ;)
Which would you rather have? A kid who dies from a disease or a kid who's autistic?
Sabrina said:
State of Massachusetts Department of Education stated if any child who does not take any immune vaccines. He/she can't go to school. It is a law in this State.

Yes, it's the same with German law.
Your information is interesting because I never heard about this here in Germany.

Accord German law:

The children MUST have it done!

Kindergarten, School, Clubs,eg. demand children's vaccinated pass to check before accept them in.
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Sabrina said:
State of Massachusetts Department of Education stated if any child who does not take any immune vaccines. He/she can't go to school. It is a law in this State.

In Australia, its up to Parent's choice!!!!!!!!

Before school children enrol school, they must show their vaccines records to teachers, and if its nothing, which means these children will take a lots of time off from school if one of their peers become ill with chicken pox, fever etc.

The Government decided that if babies don't received immune vaccines until they are 18 months old, their child support benefit will be much less as a penatly!

I understand I must sign the form before allowing my GP Doctor to give my babies their immune vaccines, because there are very low risk to cause brain damaged - True! Every parents must sign to acknowledge they cannot sue them for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have read your responses with interest, I am a mother who's 6 year old child hasnt had her MMR vaccine, she had all the others but not that one

the reasons for me not letting her?


I had the MMR when I was a child...I ended up in hospital a day later with a fever and measel like rash...I also nearly died from the measels when I was the vaccine didnt work very well, my sister had a similiar story

the other reason, the link to autism cannot be proven OR disproven, that is to say they just dont know...and more and more studies are being done and more and more are proving a possible link

final reason my friend had a wonderful little boy, could talk and walk, was happy and wonderful, achieved all his milestones in development...then had the mmr...he had a fever and was very ill, he stopped speaking, cried constantly, screamed and stopped deveolping...he is now diagnosed as autistic...

is there a link? possiblly I dont know 100% but neither can they tell me 100% there isnt

if i take my child to the doctor and give her a needle that changes her life forever can I forgive did that to her, the same as if I ran her over with a car

if she contracts an illness and it changes her life forever can I forgive ....becuase I failed to protect my child when I had the chance

will I give her the I would rather leave it in the hands of God than in the hands of a doctor and a goverment that wants the money and the statistics to say they are right

I will say that it is parents chioce, but make an informed choice, do the research check the facts first you may be surprised...

and lets face it there are many things that we have been told are safe only to be told years later that they arent...

Here is a link that gives some insight into the debate,

if you click on the news link on the left hand menu you will come to an article that I only found today...
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I work with a child who was injured by a DPT injection at the age of six weeks. She is now a spastic quadriplegic who will be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of her life. She is trached, and fed through a GI tube. She is severely brain damaged from repeated grand mal seizures, and will never function normally.

As a result of my employment with this girl, I have spent dozens of hours on the Internet researching the nature and causes of vaccination injury. I have come to the conclusion that there is absolutely no demonstrable relationship between childhood vaccinations and autism. Vaccination injury is an exceedingly rare occurrence—there are only about 40 cases a year in the United States. There are absolutely no sound reasons for not vaccinating your child. Just go ask somebody who was alive in the 1920’s or 30’s what life was like before vaccines were developed. You’ll quickly realize that vaccines are one of the greatest achievements of the twentieth century.
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Levonian said:
Just go ask somebody who was alive in the 1920’s or 30’s what life was like before vaccines were developed. You’ll quickly realize that vaccines are one of the greatest achievements of the twentieth century.
I thank God that I was able to get the polio vaccine in the 1950's; I just escaped the outbreaks that happened a few years before that. I also remember when all of us kids were routinely immunized against smallpox but that has not been done in many years.

The flu outbreak during WWI killed more soldiers than combat did. I'm sure they would have liked to have had flu shots back then.

Vaccines for mumps, measles, and chicken pox weren't available when I was a kid, so I had to experience all those childhood diseases.

I think in general that immunizations are necessary to prevent epidemics.