Social Security Headed for Bankruptcy by 2041


Prayers for my dad.
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Nov 24, 2003
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WASHINGTON (March 23) - The trust fund for Social Security will go broke in 2041 - a year earlier than previously estimated - the trustees reported Wednesday. Trustees also said that Medicare, the giant health care program for the elderly and disabled, faces insolvency in 2020.

The new projections made in the trustees annual report were certain to be cited by both sides in the massive battle to overhaul Social Security, which President Bush has made the top domestic priority of his second term.

The go-broke date for Medicare was delayed by one year, compared to the estimate that trustees gave a year ago.

The insolvency dates represent when both trust funds will have exhausted the government bonds that have been building up to take care of the pending retirement of 78 million baby boomers.

However, the more important dates are when Social Security and Medicare begin paying out more in benefits than they are receiving in taxes because that represents the time the government must start redeeming the bonds in the trust fund. To do that, the government will have to increase its borrowing on financial markets, raise taxes or divert money from other government programs.

For Medicare, the threshold when benefits exceed program income occurred last year.

For Social Security, that threshold will be crossed in 2017, one year earlier than the 2018 date projected in last year's report.

That change is certain to be cited by the administration as a sign of the urgency to act to deal with Social Security's funding woes. Democrats argue that the real crisis is in Medicare and that the administration is ignoring the health care crisis.

Social Security provides retirement, survivors and disability income for 47.7 million Americans, and Medicare provides health care for 42 million seniors and disabled people.

The six-member board of trustees for both Social Security and Medicare is headed by Treasury Secretary John Snow and includes Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt, Labor Secretary Elaine Chao and Social Security Commissioner Jo Anne Barnhart.

In addition, there are two public trustees, Thomas Saving of Texas, who has been a proponent of Bush's proposal to create private savings accounts, and John L. Palmer of New York.

While the trustees' report reflects the decisions made by the six-member board, some Democrats in Congress and other critics have been pushing to make public the recommendations that the board receives from the professional staff of the Social Security Administration.

Those recommendations are not made public, and the deliberations of the trustees also occur in secret.

Critics said the administration was able to conceal from Congress projections made by Medicare's chief actuary that the prescription drug program Congress approved in 2003 would be vastly more expensive than Congress had been led to believe.

The Center for Economic and Policy Research, a liberal-leaning research organization, said unless the recommendations upon which the trustees make their decisions are made public "there is no way of knowing whether the trustees' report is based on expert advice as opposed to political considerations."

Saving and Palmer testified to a congressional committee earlier this month that there have been no major changes in the financial outlook for either Social Security or Medicare over the past year.

Last year's report put the date that Social Security would exhaust all the resources in its trust fund at 2042. And much earlier, in 2018, the Social Security program will not be collecting enough in payroll taxes to meet its obligations to retirees, the trustees said last year.

The 2018 date is more significant because it is at that point that the government will begin cashing in the bonds that have built up in the trust fund.

However, since those bonds don't represent actual assets, the redemption process will require the government to either borrow more from financial markets, raise taxes or cut spending in other government programs to come up with the resources to meet obligations to retirees.

The situation in Medicare is even more dire. The health care program crossed the threshold where payroll taxes were not sufficient to meet medical costs for current beneficiaries last year. It will exhaust all the resources in its trust fund in 2019, according to last year's trustees report.

The financing problems of Medicare are more severe because health care costs are rising so much more rapidly than inflation.

The annual cost of Medicare is $325 billion while the cost of Social Security is $517 billion. However, the trustees projected last year that Medicare's costs would overtake Social Security by 2024 and would be nearly double Social Security by 2078. AOL News:

:hitit: Wow that sucks!
WTF! That's suck. Most deaf people need to earn more money from SSI. If the SSI is going to bankrupty, then most deaf people will might get mad at them.
FYI SSI have NOTHING to do with Social security fund!!! All of the funds that SSI people gets are directly from Federal taxes! SSDI and Social Security retirement are from Social Security taxes, not Federal taxes.

Why want keep on SSI? They check is SUCKS BIG BIG BIG time. I couldn't see how monthly SSI would be able to support my family budget! Get your ass off and go to work, then you get about 3 times more pay than SSI!

FutureGame2100 said:
WTF! That's suck. Most deaf people need to earn more money from SSI. If the SSI is going to bankrupty, then most deaf people will might get mad at them.

I knew it will happen one day like this. Everythin' will be irreversible. Can't go back to the way it used to be when everythin' looked good. Everythin' will be obsolete. We are headin' for cashless society.
:doh: I knew it all along...

2041... I'll be in my 60s by then and I have a backup ready in 40 years.
This is a classic partisan scarecrow! Scarecrows were invented to scare the birds away. But not all birds are scared of partisan scarecrows!

SSA might go bust if these donkeys and elephant keep fooling around. We don't need 60's politicans... We need is 21st century political system... where are they? I don't see any so far! I am in all for TOTAL change of Government system! It is up to millions and millions of American to wake up and kill Elephants and Donkeys.
Well i guess youll gotta keep working. See i blame liberals setting up welfare all these years!! Its certain people rather be on welfare than getting a job. Blame the liberal democratic party why social security is going bankrupt.Why you think blacks vote for democrats then republicans? Simple"" I NEED MY WELFARE CHECK!! I NEED MY FOOD STAMPS!! I NEED MY FREE HOUSING!!"" Welfare and SSI is not there because you cant find a job, Welfare and SSI is not there because youre not quilified to find a good paying job. Its There for YOU ABSOLUTLY CAN NOT WORK! It means if youre disabled like born with something wrong with you Then you go on welfare or in SSI. Being black skinned IS NOT A DISABILTYThe only people should be allowed to collect money from the government Is your elderly.Your handicapped and your disabled vets.
Yes,,That is right. So i guess you only option is keep working and put your money in the bank account and for christ sake DONT VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS! Cause theyre gonna TAX YA! And when they TAX YA you cant put your money in the savings account and then youre gonna keep on working until youre 70.
Ravensteve *coughing* are you talking with your foot up your anal again? Beside what you just said is uncorrected. State the fact or be quiet. *shhh*
It bugs me that people are so ignorant of our state.
General Motors stocks took a nose dive a couple days ago from $34 a share to $30. That does not seem like much, just 10%, but the thing is, GM is in 300 BILLION in debt.
I won't go into details, but this is bigger than Enron, Global Crossing, LTCM, K-Mart, and the IRAQ war all put together!
We are in deep trouble and that is why we are waging wars.
It is the dollar.
It is dead.
It is being replaced by Eurodollars all over the world, and it affects oil prices.
We can print and print more dollar bills but unless they are backed by value, they are just worthless paper, and that is what is happening.
Bush is aware of this. He is an evil traitor.
Here is one article I hope helps...
Were at war because of this!
and this is the result
^ What does this have to do with Social Security Ravensteve, Sometimes I don't know if I should choke you or slap you in the face for going off topic. :booty:
I wouldn't worry too much; its happened before; the Congress will bail the SSA out once again or some other remedy will be put in place.
I think the age limit of old people should be 60 years old and older, so that they retire.
Disabled people should get ssi if they are in wheelchair, blind, or amputee.
DEaf people can work if they want to, but they are lazy.
And I think people should complain about how Bush handle everything.
But anyway, it doesn't matter if USA goes bankrupt because we will eventually find a way to get solution.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
But anyway, it doesn't matter if USA goes bankrupt because we will eventually find a way to get solution.

Solution ? By how, if you think we will eventually find a way to get solution ?

As it is for me, I don't think there's a way to get solution. The only solution it will do is .... take that "666" device under your skin and, then VIOLA - all is taken care of ! It means, you sell your soul to solve the USA's problem. :lol:
I agree 60 should be an retirement age. I think its too late to save social security The only way i can see it saved is suspend social security for retirees for 10 years plus eliminate all welfare and make people invest in what they have. If you make over $100,000 a year you cannot quilify for social secuirty.
I suggest people who are over 60 sell their homes and their real estate properties and live in a retirement community. In 10 years start it over but this time eliminate all welfare the only people quilify for social secuirty if youre 60,A wartime disabled vet or disabled.