Snakes on a Plane


Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
Has anyone seen this movie yet? I heard it is hysterical. :popcorn:
Hi...sorry about that. I'll post the question at a later date. BTW, how long does it take for a movie to get open captions?
I've seen it. It's probably my favorite movie of the year. 10 out of 10!
Thanks Buckdogers. Guido, I heard that, when my brother went to see it, people were laughing, clapping, and pointing at the screen. People really get "into" this flick. Did this happen when you went? I might go see it now that I understand it is well liked by many. I hear it's so rediculously bad that it makes it so hysterically fun to watch
There weren't many people when I went, but still the crowd reacted as you'd expect. You have to go see this movie with the right frame of mind. It's a b-movie that is meant to be humorous. It makes fun of itself. You have to realize this. If you don't, you won't enjoy it. Be prepared. As many hysterical scenes as there are, there's suspense to match it.
no i havent seen the movie.. im gonna wait till it come out on dvd then we will watch it.. the closest city is 50 miles away to watch movie with CC so gonna wait for dvd :)

TJ want to watch that movie as snakes are his favorite *ugh*
No and I hate snakes!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ugh3:

Heres a snake for you FelixKat :)
There is room for a sequel like...Snakes on a Train, or hell, lets go for Scorpions on a Schooner or something. :) ha ha
saw it shit it rawked!!!! omg one part made me scream! :-X won't tell u which one