Snake Eating a Kangaroo

I have an original pictures of snake who ate human.

The people killed snake and cut to open snake´s body to get the dead human out... Warning... it´s horrible picture to see... I would add those pictures here if you still want to... WARNING... it´s horrible pictures...
Liebling:-))) said:
I have an original pictures of snake who ate human.

The people killed snake and cut to open snake´s body to get the dead human out... Warning... it´s horrible picture to see... I would add those pictures here if you still want to... WARNING... it´s horrible pictures...

No thanks.

Suggest: It is not right for AD kids to see. Better to PM if anyone requests..
Liebling:-))) said:
I have an original pictures of snake who ate human.

The people killed snake and cut to open snake´s body to get the dead human out... Warning... it´s horrible picture to see... I would add those pictures here if you still want to... WARNING... it´s horrible pictures...

send me a PM please. :D I'm kinda curious...
i seen it before with cut snake of human and human's leg also a child. Its sad. and nasty.
SherryCherish said:
i seen it before with cut snake of human and human's leg also a child. Its sad. and nasty.

Exactly... I guess a child could be teenager. (around 14 to 15 years old). It´s not just leg but body, too.

Steel, you will have it as soon as I find it in my file.
I used to have construction boa.. since baby till almost 2 years.. I decided to give away because of it get real big and always stare at kids.. and our cats...
after i gave it away to the older boy (15 something).. i warned him not to have pets around... but he didnt listen my warning.. about couple weeks later.. it ate their cat.. and they gave away to zoomoblie..

its scary to have it.. but its nice to see it grows big and nice color..

oh well..

hey there! send me those pics of the digested human body !

for those of you who dont know about snakes...if one eats a will find a place to hide and stay there for a few weeks..and digest the bones and all :thumb: ! then leave a pile of crap ...but it goes out like and bunch of exlax............!!!!!!!!!! :barf:
I think i've seen that pic and believe me a snake eating a kangaroo ain't nothing new to me i have to snakes so i watch them eat things that are bigger than them every week
Pretty gross.. (chuckles)

Snake can eat anything animals even human too... (roll my eyes up) :roll: