Rose, what do you mean by 'a full size HA' etc. Having looked at the links to the photos you posted on another thread, your HAs look really tiny compared with mine and I also use audioshoes etc.
depends if you use "open fit" correctly or colloquially, they are not open fit but they are thin tubes - some people have a habit of calling anything with a dome on it "open fit" when what it really is is "instant fit" - in truth you can have an open-fit with moulds or a closed fit with domes, but since most people mean instant-fit when they say open-fit it's hard to make sense of what people really mean.
Full size as in they are not one of these little petite things, they are the same size as the SP in the private Phonak range (not Naida SP, never seen one of those IRL). They are probably smaller than yours cos the DSP has a 675 battery so that adds some size, but they are bigger than the current Siemens range even for NHS. The Reflex L is a "petite" so that's all I meant is it's full sized not a petite/Micro cos you can get tiny hearing aids or ones that are "normal" sized.
I never wear them like that, though, I always wear them with audioshoes and FM so that's why even the Naida UP looks neat and tidy! Side by side the Naida UP is slightly shorter than my total kit (M audioshoes are MUCH rubbisher than the DSP ones!!). Plus thin-tube hearing aids do tend to look smaller as there is an optical illusion of them looking longer with an elbow on, I pictured my hearing aids one with a mould on and one with the thin tubes side by side and someone said the one on the left is way smaller!

Maybe other people's ears are bigger too, I have really, really short tubes.
Oh, and the pictures are not of the hearing aids where they naturally hang either, they are jacked up in my hair to get a better shot at them since I am trying to photograph my own ear, they don't sit up on my ear like that at all, they sit all the way down the back so you can just see them from the front sticking out from behind the ear when you look in the mirror.