Sincere attempt to improve Sign Language Glove technology.


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Jun 21, 2024
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Greetings to one and all.
I am a student of 9th grade. I have recently been struck (might be hard to believe) independently about the idea of Sign Language Gloves.

I have thought, and done basic pre-liminary tests which seem to be promising, and provide a method for converting proper ASL grammar to English Grammar and Vice versa, using gestures instead of the traditional cumbersome fingerspell adopted by current experimental solutions. Also developing system which enable deaf to to understand hearing people, not just the (traditionally) other way around.

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As a very helpful redditor on this r/deaf said:

In english grammar, this would be "Yesterday I went to the store and bought apples, carrots, and sodas."
He has been very helpfully pointed out how current technology could not interpret this, however with a few preliminary tests, I have managed to convert the ASL sentence via model to the following three options.

  • "Yesterday, I went to the store and bought apples, carrots, and soda."
  • "I went to the store yesterday and bought apples, carrots, and soda."
  • "Yesterday, I went to the store to buy apples, carrots, and soda."

    Upon Providing the english version, it has translated it to the ASL equivalent of ""YESTERDAY, STORE I-GO AND APPLE, CARROT, SODA BUY.""
    Yes, this is not exact, but it provides individual ASL words, which can then be converted to images to be displayed on special glasses, or on a phone so the deaf can read the ASL, or opt to read the ASL text form or english text form (or english to local language form) either on special glasses or on phone after recognising the spoken text via speech-to-text technology.
This seems to show some promise.

Other translations via the model also do fairly well.

I am also developing a system which addresses the issue of only hearing people being able to understand deaf people.
I want to develop special glasses

Is anyone possibly interested in enlightening me on your world? I am just a student with a sincere idea, trying my part to make the world a better place, I am trying to address the real barriers of current sign language glove technology, which at present is nothing more that "feel-good" and "optimistic" tech.

I am trying my best to understand what is stopping this technology, what could actually help it. Any suggestions, any pointers, any help would mean the world to me!