Sign for Orphan?


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Is there an ASL sign for "orphan" or it has to be finger-spelled?
I tried to look it up in ASL dictionary online but couldn't find one (the word).

Is there an ASL sign for "orphan" or it has to be finger-spelled?
I tried to look it up in ASL dictionary online but couldn't find one (the word).


Yes letter "O" is placed first at chin, then at temple, indicating both parents dead.
Don't understand why people often have such a hard time finding stuff themselves when it's obvious they have internet access. Two online dictionaries I checked had a sign for "orphan". It is different than Bottesini's sign. Signs for mother, father and then none are combined. Typical regional differences?
Isn't she using internet access by coming here and asking for help? I think that qualifies.

Secondly, there are going to be differences to signing just like there are differences to spoken language depending on where you go... common sense. Ex: I had never in my LIFE heard someone say pop for soda and was completely dumbfounded when someone called it that. I still to this day get offset by it. Probably not the best example, but it's all I've got at the moment... ( I'm sleepy ) Just little differences.

Maybe she attempted to Google or find the answer such as you did, found different ways, was unsure and wanted to clarify. No harm in getting input from someone who is native to ASL.
Don't understand why people often have such a hard time finding stuff themselves when it's obvious they have internet access. Two online dictionaries I checked had a sign for "orphan". It is different than Bottesini's sign. Signs for mother, father and then none are combined. Typical regional differences?

I don't understand why people have often have such hard time reading OP first post. Just read. JUST. READ:

I tried to look it up in ASL dictionary online but couldn't find one (the word).

Obviously, I must have been unlucky in my attempts, don't you think so?
otherwise, I would have find one for 'orphan' while looking up for black at the same time - no?
